What is Unit One?

What is Unit One? That is a good question. There are lots of answers, and they can vary from day to day. Here are a few for you to consider.

Answer One. Unit One is whatever you want it to be.

Answer Two. Unit One is a state of mind. It is an imaginary workshop (20th century term) or maker space (21st century term) that encourages cooperation.

Answer Three. Unit One is a real world working space (compromise term) used to construct prototypes of designs to be shared. The designs and prototypes are used to solve real world problems experienced by real, living people.

Answer Four. Unit One is a cooperative association of working spaces where people do whatever they feel they want to do. In some, the focus may be on repair and recycling. In others, it may be the production of entertaining videos to be freely distributed for all to enjoy. Textiles may be the focus of yet more groups. Regardless of what is done, there is an attitude of respect for all participants. In all cases, Unit One offers freely equivalent products to what multi-national corporations want to sell.

Where is Unit One located?

Answer One. At present there is only one location Ginnunga Gap, the primordial void. The Wikipedia article on Ginnungagap refers to Jan de Vries (1977) Altnordisches etymologisches Wörterbuch p. 167 and F. X. Dillmann (1998) “Ginnungagap” in: H. Beck, H. Steuer. & D. Timpe, (Eds.) Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde, Volume 12, pp. 118 -123 as interpreting Ginnungagap as signifying a “magical (and creative) power-filled space.”  A perfect term for Unit One.

Answer Two. Current location: Vangshylla, Norway. Future locations being considered: Bergen, Norway; Essex, Ontario; Burnaby, Prince Rupert, Kamloops, Quesnel, all in British Columbia.

For more information about assorted varieties of  working spaces see:


Making the Case for a Public Library Makerspace


Unit One Workshop

(Bla frem til å lese teksten på norsk)

The Unit One Workshop is scheduled to start operation on Monday, 01 January 2018 at 12 noon. If you would like to be included in the official opening celebration all you have to do is contact the operations manager: brock@mclellan.no and have your name added to the list of invited guests.

At the moment a number of speakers have been invited to entertain guests. Not all of these have accepted, yet – so there could be some changes.

  1. Proton Bletchley: Unit One – A Community Workshop (15 minutes)
  2. Precious Dollar: What it costs to construct a workshop (10 minutes)
  3. Billi Sodd: Prison workshops (This is dependent on Billi being able to obtain day release from Verdal Prison) (unknown duration)
  4. Refreshments served
  5. Jade Marmot: The fun of DIY videos (30 minutes)
  6. Brock McLellan: Closing remarks (10 minutes)

During that first day, at 14:00, a Health, Environment and Safety course will be conducted, so that people wanting to use the workshop will know how to protect themselves and the environment.

To begin with, equipment at the workshop will focus on woodworking. A number of stationary machines will be available, if not on opening day, then soon thereafter, including: table saw, band saw, mitre saw, router, planer, jointer and drill stand.

About once a month there will be a “fredag fika” in the workshop. The first of these is planned for Friday, 5 January 2018 at 12:00. However, if people would rather have this on a different day, or time, these wishes can be accommodated. This meeting will give people several days to reflect on how they want to use the workshop, and the rules that are needed to govern its use.

Enhet En Verksted

Verkstedet til Unit One/ Enhet En er planlagt å starte drift mandag 01 januar 2018 kl 12.00. Hvis du vil bli med på den offisielle åpningsfestet, må du bare kontakte operasjonssjefen: brock@mclellan.no og få navnet ditt lagt til listen over inviterte gjester.

I øyeblikket har en rekke talere blitt invitert til å underholde gjester. Ikke alle disse har akseptert, ennå – så det kan være noen endringer.

  1. Proton Bletchley: Enhet 1 – Et versted for fellesskapet (15 minutter)
  2. Precious Dollar: Hva koster det å bygge et verksted (10 minutter)
  3. Billi Sodd: Verksteder på fengsel (Dette er avhengig av at Billi for frigang fra Verdal fengsel) (ukjent varighet)
  4. Servering av forfriskninger
  5. Jade Marmot: Den morsomme med DIY videoer (30 minutter)
  6. Brock McLellan: Avsluttende bemerkninger (10 minutter)

I løpet av den første dagen, klokken 14.00, vil det gjennomføres et helse-, miljø- og sikkerhetskurs, slik at folk som ønsker å bruke verkstedet, vil få opplæring om hvordan de skal beskytte seg selv og miljøet.

Til å begynne med vil utstyret på verkstedet fokusere på trebearbeiding. En rekke stasjonære maskiner vil være tilgjengelige, om ikke på åpningsdagen, så snart deretter: bordsag, båndsag, gjæresag, fres, tykkelseshøvel, jointer og borestativ.

Omtrent en gang i måneden vil det være en “fredag ​​fika” i verkstedet. Den første av disse er planlagt fredag ​​5. januar 2018 klokken 12.00. Men hvis folk heller vil ha dette på en annen dag eller tid, kan dato og/eller klokkeslett endres. Dette møtet vil gi folk flere dager til å reflektere over hvordan de vil bruke verkstedet, og de reglene som trengs for å styre bruken av det.