The Charm of CV1

Meet CV1, the fully automated TeaCoffeeBot. Here is how it works.

A humanoid washes out cup, fills cup with clean water, pours water into CV1’s opening on top, then closes top. Alternative reality, humanoid forgets to close top.


Then the humanoid pours instant coffee (or puts teabag) into cup.


The humanoid places the cup into the bottom opening of CV1.


Yet another alternative reality, the humanoid puts free Starbucks coffee in space above location of cup. The humanoids assigned to us, haven’t been programmed to do this.


Then humanoid presses button to start water heating and transfer process.

A built in timer is started in humanoid telling it to return to CV1 in three minutes.

Humanoid returns after 30 minutes, picks up coffee cup and delivers lukewarm coffee to intended recipient. Humanoid disappears, then returns to offers intended recipient taste enhancers.


Apart from a few steps performed by a humanoid, the CV1 does everything else!

Unit One & Enhet Én

While Shelagh was helping me get my iPhone aps up to date, her alterego – Inger Færøl – was over at Enhet Én, helping the crew there make avatars of themselves. They kindly included an avatar of myself.

With Shelagh back in San Francisco, I was pressed into helping Karsk Skjenning when he needed some help  He is making a limited edition book(let) “Hyllest til Hylla” (Homage to Hylla, a village of about 370 people in Inderøy municipality). The 20 page A5 booklet is a collection of photographs taken there in 2015.

First, I cropped the rectangular photos in Adobe Photoshop, to square ones that Karsk prefers. Then he wanted an avatar for himself, similar to the ones Inger had made the week before, along with a logo for Enhet Én – Trønderland. While I was at it, I made a derivative logo for Unit One – Cascadia. This involved Adobe Illustrator.  Once this material was available, I then used Adobe InDesign to pageset the photographs.

Hyllest til Hylla remains a work in progress, because Karsk is having a hard time deciding on photo captions.

Here is Karsk’s avatar, and the logos for Enhet Én – Trønderland and Unit One – Cascadia. Happy McLellan, was very happy with the typeface selected. It is called Elephant, a fat face, ultra-bold serif typeface for digital display purposes. It was designed by Matthew Carter in 1992, and was originally released by Microsoft.

New Artwork

I’d like to thank Shelagh McLellan for her work making new artwork for me. These include both a personal avatar, as well as rectangular and square versions of a logo for Cliff Cottage.

Cliff Cottage-01
The rectangular version of the Cliff Cottage logo.
My personal avatar

The artwork was made using Adobe Illustrator. They use Futura typeface.