Norwegian Health Platform

The above green monochrome photograph is attractive. So far, that’s the only positive comment I can make about this common patient record system for Middle-Norway, where I live. Photo: Helseplatformen.

For some months, I have been looking at a specific problem, and wondering how the political authorities thought they could find success buying an inappropriate off-the-shelf software solution, in this case a medical record database.

It is a software problem that is affecting everyone in Norway. The software in question is an overarching patient journal/ record system referred to as the Health Platform, intended to be used by all Norwegian hospitals, medical centres and everyone else in Norway involved in the care of patients. Its use will start in Trøndelag.

In the evaluation of any software product, it is important that at least some of the decision makers consult with people competent to evaluate it. For example, with a database, it is important to know what that primary key will be. I suspect that the person/ people deciding to buy this system, did not look at the primary keys, or anything else, from a computer science/ engineering perspective. I further suspect, that these decision makers may have been bean counters, who are used to dealing with legumes rather than sick human beans.

There have been situations reported in the press about this patient journal. Often it involves a situation where test results to confirm the presence of cancer, have just disappeared, although sometimes they emerge months later. This is where I began to suspect inappropriate primary keys. One should be able to search for records having a specific primary key, a person’s identification number, and find everything about that person, that is in the database.

We have one friend, in her late 60s, who had a medical emergency, probably an epileptic fit, who was sent to the local hospital. To help decide what her problem was and how best to treat it, the hospital conducted a CAT/ CT = computed tomography scan, a medical imaging technique used to obtain detailed internal images of the body. She was then released. That was about a month ago, and nobody knows where the results of the scan are located. Her meeting with her physician, has been postponed to determine the most appropriate medication, has been repeatedly postponed, in the hope that the scans will emerge.

In contrast, there is a tradition of smallish organizations developing software that they need. For example, Østfold Hospital, in south-east Norway, has developed its own apps to streamline work processes, which they estimate saves healthcare personnel an hour per day per employee. The apps move work processes from PCs and paper to hand-held devices = smartphones, which increases safety by reducing human error. The hospital has its own app center that has developed 17 apps from scratch, including an app for drug control and one for blood transfusion. The hospital has received inquiries from other health authorities that want to use the apps, and has already signed an agreement with one for a particular app. Employees at the hospital believe that simpler work processes with new apps can help stem the predicted health crisis.

In the late 1970s a group was working in Bergen to develop the DOC 110 system, one of the very first computer systems for electronic patient record keeping (EPR). This was soon supplemented by the PROMED system. In 1979, another EPR system, Infodoc, came onto the market in the Bergen area, and this quickly gained popularity, especially in Western Norway. Also at the Institute of General Practice in Bergen, a single-user version of an EPR system was developed and tested in two medical practices on a Tandberg platform.

In the spring of 1980, what even today can be considered a reasonably complete electronic patient record (EPR) system was put into use by a group of doctors in Balsfjord, a 1 500 km2 municipality, with a population approaching 5 600 in Northern Norway. The system, which was developed by a publicly funded project at the University of Tromsø in close collaboration with doctors from Balsfjord, was then transferred to a public company, Kommunedata Nord-Norge, for commercialization and further development.

In the early 1980s, another general practitioner started development work alongside his general practice, which led to the launch of the EPR system Profdoc in 1985, a system that quickly gained popularity. Thus, the period before 1988 can be called the pioneering period for the development of EPR systems in general practice in Norway.

While Norway had made a good start, there were far too many competing incompatible systems. It was almost as if each county, and sometimes smaller parts of counties wanted to have their own.

Use and distribution

This situation continued in the decades that followed. Fast forward to 2012. The Health Platform is a joint electronic patient record for municipalities, hospitals, GPs and contracted specialists in Central Norway. Work on the Health Platform began in 2012, and on 2019-04-01 the implementation project was formally launched and at the same time the limited liability company Helseplattformen AS was established. The project is part of the state’s follow-up to the white paper One citizen – one record, which was presented in 2012. Except, I am not sure that there is a primary key linked to every resident.

In 2022-05, the Health Platform was introduced by Trondheim Municipality in all service areas within health and welfare, and on 2022-11-12 it was introduced for use at St. Olav’s Hospital. As of 2023-12, the platform is in use in ten municipalities in Central Norway, and 16 municipalities have signed a financially binding service agreement.

The acquisition cost of the system was originally estimated at NOK 1.7 billion with an expected lifespan of 18 years. The total costs for the development and implementation of the Health Platform for the health authority, municipalities and GPs until 2024 are estimated at approximately NOK 6.7 billion.


The health platform’s technical solution is provided by Epic Systems, an American information technology company in health informatics, which supplies patient records and patient administration to, among others, the Netherlands, Australia, the United Kingdom, Denmark and Finland. The contract between Epic and Helseplattformen AS was signed on 2019-03-19. The login and access management for the platform is provided by IBM and the agreement was signed on 2019-06-03.

Epic was founded in 1979 by Judith R. Faulkner (1943 – ) with a $70,000 investment. Originally headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, it moved its headquarters to Verona, Wisconsin in 2005, where it employs 13 000 people. The company also has offices in Bristol, UK; ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; Helsinki, Finland; Melbourne, Australia; Singapore; Trondheim, Norway; and Søborg, Denmark.

I imagine that development is taking place at two distinct levels. Changes are being made in Wisconsin, and changes are being made in Norway, and other places. There is probably little coordination between these efforts.

Criticism and scandals

Robert Kuttner (1943 – ) writes in The American Prospect that Epic’s market dominance is driven by its software’s ability to maximize profits for hospitals by facilitating upcoding, a form of healthcare fraud. The Department of Health and Human Services found that from 2014 to 2019, the number of inpatient stays billed at the highest severity level increased almost 20%, while stays billed at lower severity levels decreased. Kuttner argues that this drive for profit maximization leads to providers spending two hours entering data for every hour they spend with patients. Kuttner also reports that providers are faced with time-consuming training, alert fatigue, and mistakes stemming from copying and pasting from previous notes, ultimately leading to burnout and early retirements.

David Blumenthal, the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology from 2009 to 2011, said: The customers [of EHRs] were the chief information officers and the chief executives of hospitals, not doctors. Their principal goal was to protect revenues. Systems like Epic were not designed to improve quality because there was no financial incentive to do so at the time.

Since the system was also used in Denmark and Finland, it might be interesting to look at their experiences. These are taken from the English Wikipedia.

Danish experience

In 2016, Danish health authorities spent DKK 2.8 billion on the implementation of Epic in 18 hospitals in a region with 2.8 million residents. On May 20, Epic went live in the first hospital. Doctors and nurses reported chaos in the hospital and complained of a lack of preparation and training.

Since some elements of the Epic system were not properly translated from English to Danish, physicians resorted to Google Translate. As one example, when inputting information about a patient’s condition, physicians were given the option to report between the left and the correct leg, not the left and right legs. As of 2019, Epic had still not been fully integrated with Denmark’s national medical record system. Danish anesthesiologist and computer architect Gert Galster worked to adapt the system. According to Galster, these Epic systems were designed specifically to fit the U.S. health care system, and could not be disentangled for use in Denmark.

An audit of the implementation that voiced concerns was published in 2018-06. At the end of 2018, 62% of physicians expressed they were not satisfied with the system and 71 physicians signed a petition calling for its removal.

Finnish experience

In 2012, the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS) decided to replace several smaller health record systems with one district-wide system created by Epic. It was called Apotti and would be used by healthcare and social services for the 2.2 million residents in the HUS area. The Apotti system was selected as the provider in 2015 and implementation started in 2018. By 2022-11, the Apotti system had cost €625 million.

After the implementation, complaints from healthcare workers, especially from doctors, started accumulating. The system was accused of being too complicated and that its convoluted UI was endangering patient safety. For example, one patient was administered the wrong chemotherapeutic drug due to an unclear selection menu in the system.

In 2022-07, a formal complaint demanding that the issues in the system be fixed or the system be removed entirely was sent to the Finnish health care supervising body Valvira. The complaint was signed by 619 doctors, the majority of whom were employees of the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS) and users of Apotti.

Norwegian experience

Central Norway started introducing Epic (branded “Helseplattformen”) in November 2022-11. After approximately two months, the public broadcaster NRK reported that around 25% of the doctors at the region’s main hospital considered quitting their job, and that 40% were experiencing stress related health issues due to the new IT system. Previously, health personnel actively demonstrated against the software by marching through the city of Trondheim. Due to the chaos ensuing the introduction, including 16 000 letters not being sent to patients, the Norwegian CEO of the Helseplattformen IT project, Torbjørg Vanvik, had her employment ended by the board. Unexpected cost increases forced the authorities to decrease efforts in other areas, such as a planned initiative on mental health. Employee representatives state that the public will receive significantly worse services. A year after implementation over 90% of doctors in the affected hospitals considered the Epic system a threat to patient health, and hospital staff organised large protests at seven hospitals that had or were planning on implementing Epic systems.

In 2023 and 2024, the Norwegian Audit Office presented several reports on the Health Platform and described the planning and implementation as highly objectionable, the Norwegian Audit Office’s most serious criticism. The Norwegian National Audit Office stated that the Health Platform did not function as it should, and that its use could compromise patient safety, and that doctors and nurses should spend their time treating patients, not on double registration and double reporting in cumbersome IT systems.

Deaths related to the Health Platform

On 2022-12-16, a Danish-Norwegian architect died at St. Olvas hospital due to a stroke. Two days earlier, she had been discharged from the hospital without any information about which doctor and department were actually responsible for her at the time of discharge. There was early speculation about whether the Health Platform had a role in her death, but after the hospital’s report, the county physician stated that: The Health Platform has no information about the course, so there is no doubt that there is a weakness in the Health Platform that created an unclear course. When the case first happened, it revealed significant challenges with the Health Platform, but as I read it, I cannot say that it played a role in how the case ended. The Health Platform has in any case made it difficult to rule out a connection.

Illegal use of consultants

In 2022, the Trondheim based Adresseavisen newspaper revealed that the consulting company Ernst & Young had been paid NOK 557 million through a framework agreement that was estimated at NOK 70 million. This turned out to be illegal. It was also revealed that consultants and co-owners of the consulting company had central roles in the management of the Health Platform for several years. The newspaper believed that the violation could have been caught in 2019 when the CEO and several other employees received a legal memo by email that dealt with framework agreements like this. The CEO of Helseplattform AS explained that she had not opened the attachment in the email.

Torchlight procession

On several occasions, torchlight processions have been organized in protest against the introduction of the Health Platform. The first time was on 2022-10-17. The purpose of the demonstration was to prevent the platform from being used at St. Olav’s Hospital in Trondheim. On 2023-11-13, one year and one day after the medical record system was introduced at St. Olavs Hospital, new torchlight processions were organized in other locations with hospitals in Namsos, Levanger, Trondheim, Molde, Ålesund, Kristiansund and Volda.

On 2024-05-29, the Norwegian Medical Association adopted a resolution at its national board meeting requesting that the controversial data service Health Platform be investigated. It pointed to several inspection reports that state that the Heath platform creates challenges for patient safety and the working environment, that it creates additional work for health personnel, and that it entails large additional costs for the health service in Central Norway. The association wrote in a press release that it is seriously concerned about the consequences of continuing to use the service, and that its termination must therefore be investigated.

On 2024-10-24, the Norwegian Auditor General’s report on the introduction of the Health Platform at St. Olav’s Hospital was published. It concluded that the planning, organization and introduction of the new medical record solution in Central Norway is open to serious, but justified, criticism. The system is described by some as complete, but demanding. It is in line with the findings of an external evaluation report from 2023. So, I continually wonder, what sort of idiots decided they wanted to use this?

In a pompous rebuttal to the Auditor General’s report, the director of the Health Platform stated that it could not be replaced, just improved. This rebuttal began with the only photo in the document, that of the director! I disagree with his assertion.

As Østfold has shown, software does not have to be large, it just has to be appropriate. However, it helps if one uses small groups of professional staff to ensure that complex software is appropriately designed.


The political decision to implement the Health Platform has not been transparent. I do not understand why earlier, fully functional, Norwegian developed solutions have been abandoned for an inappropriate, American system.

Peripherals: An Update

A worker sitting at a desk, using an ERGO K860 keyboard, with a Vertical mouse. The monitor looks large enough for older users who would probably want something with a diagonal size of 27″ = 686 mm, or more. To the left, on-the-ear earphones. In my opinion they are not for older users, with any hearing issues. These are not particularly good, because: 1) they spread noise throughout the working environment, degrading that environment for others; 2) they are not particularly effective at preventing extraneous sounds from disturbing the worker. Personally, I use a gaming over-the-ear headset to listen and speak. I also have a Logitech camera, such as the one shown mounted on the monitor. While it can be used, it isn’t, so it has been removed, but kept. It can be fitted when needed. I agree that there is no need for a physical/ cabled connection of the keyboard or mouse with the computer. in my world these peripherals are connected using a Bolt receiver, that usually come supplied with the peripheral. However, sometimes they aren’t, so check before purchasing. Photo: Logitech

When personal computers first emerged they came with all the peripheral equipment that allowed it to run. This was absolutely necessary, because the computing unit and the periphery had to work together. To begin with, home computers had only a monitor/ screen, a keyboard, and possibly a cassette player for data storage. In many cases, rodents were not used. However, our original Amiga computers came with one. In the computer there was a 20 MB hard drive.

To connect a periphery to a computer, one has to be aware of two types of standards, signal and connector. Both standards have to be the same. Amiga video was the signal standard. It was similar to SCART, but different. It includes a digital RGBI signal, Genlock clock, composite sync and +12/+5VDC power. The connector standard was DB23. This was a unique D-Sub connector variant with only 23 pins for the video cables. Early Apple McIntosh computers used a similar connector, but with 25 pins. Amiga enthusiasts have been able to have this connector remanufactured, but such happy endings are rare.

There are two words that describe the situation with early home computers, but different. In time, ports became standardized. There were a lot of different legacy ports, but these have gradually been replaced, especially with USB-A and USB-C ports, along with ports for monitors (most often HDMI), and ethernet (RJ-45).

Computer manufacturers had to ensure that their products met both the signal and the connector specifications of the ports, allowing peripherals to become generic products that could be purchased separately. The company that made these products became a brand. If consumers were satisfied with one product from a brand, they would often chose other products made by it. If they were dissatisfied, they would find some other brand. Sometimes, people were satisfied with a brand, but that brand just disappeared, requiring people to find new brands and products. I cannot remember the process in detail, but over the years, I became satisfied with Logitech peripherals, and less satisfied with those of other brands, in part because they disappeared. Now, most peripherals (apart from monitors and printers) we use, and are mentioned here, are made by Logitech. Monitors offer the greatest variation, they were made by a variety of brands. We have one monitor each of: Acer, Asus, AOC, Benq and Samsung. The most common year of manufacture for them is 2012. The oldest is from 2007, and still works. Most of our printers, with two exceptions over a period of forty years, were made by Canon.

In addition to peripheral from Logitech, we also have some inexpensive peripherals often from Trust. Trust is a computer peripheral electronics company founded in 1981 in the Netherlands by Michel Perridon (1963 – ), under the name Aashima Technology B.V. to import computer accessories, game consoles and video games. From 1985, it started producing its own Trust branded products. It has been owned since 2018 by Egeria, a Dutch investment company. I appreciate Trust‘s low prices.

Note: If a model designation appears in this text without a brand name, that name is Logitech.

While younger workers, with better sight and hearing, can afford to be more fashion conscious in their choice of peripherals, older users should probably concentrate on functionality. They should chose peripherals on their ability to aid the user to do the needed work: especially, hearing what people are saying, and seeing what people have written. Their keyboards must allow them to reply quickly and accurately, and their rodents must help them navigate. If living spaces are shared with others, it is particularly important that sounds are not spread. What is incoming information for one person, can be regarded as distracting noise by another. Looking back at peripherals, one of the main differences over the past years, is that legacy ports and connectors are increasingly being replaced by legacy-free variants. Thus, when a person is considering the purchase of a new computing device, purchasers must be aware of how these devices will connect. There are physical adapters, that allow a peripheral to use a port it was not designed to connect to. As more computers add USB-C ports (and remove USB-A ports) USB-A female to USB-C male connectors will become increasingly important. In addition, some peripherals communicate through Blutooth. These protocols are back-over compatible. Many Logitech devices connect through a Bolt receiver. These (or at least mine) assume that a USB-A port is being used. Some people (but not me) are adapting them, so that they will fit a USB-C port. I still have enough USB-A ports on my computers, but not on my hand-held device. It is only equipped with a USB-C port, and a 3.5 mm audio jack.


There is one main reason to buy an ergonomic keyboard: health issues with one’s hands. Despite a diagnosis for osteoarthritis in several joints in both hands, I didn’t buy ergonomic equipment immediately. There were two reasons for this: 1) I was very happy with my K380 keyboard; 2) I wanted to ignore the health issues. Most days these issues were not serious, until they were.

Most ergonomic keyboards are expensive. Despite this, in 2021, I transitioned from a conventional M535 mouse and a stylish K380 keyboard to a more ergonomic MX Vertical mouse at NOK 1200, and an ERGO K860 keyboard at NOK 1 370. These are connected to the computer using a Logi Bolt receiver.

I am happier with the mouse than the keyboard. After more than three years of using the ERGO keyboard, I still regard the K380 as my favourite. Even after using an ergonomic keyboard, I purchased a second K380 keyboard, so that if I should transition back, I would have a lifetime supply. In addition, I purchased a similar MX Keys Mini keyboard in pink, with a matching MX Master Anywhere 3 mouse. The keyboard was bought used, at half price, from someone moving from Norway to Belgium, who needed an American keyboard for programming.

Trish does not have the same issues with her hands. She also has a MX Keys Mini keyboard, but in graphite/ gray, with a blue M177 mouse. This is her daily drive with her desktop machine. I have purchased her a Lift mouse, which is smaller than my MX Vertical mouse, that she can use when her current mouse wears out.

We also have two other keyboards for use with our equipment. There is a K400+ keyboard that is specifically designed for use with televisions (which is where it is used), and a K480 keyboard, which is similar to the K380 keyboards in its design, and in allowing Bluetooth connectivity. This is a dedicated keyboard for use with our Zenfone hand-held devices, or other hand-held devices, including tablets. This is useful because smartphone keyboards are excessively small and awkward to use.

All of these are ISO keyboards with Nordic features, allowing us to write in English or Norwegian without difficulty. ISO keyboard are often used in Europe to support various languages, and for many Europeans it works much better than an ANSI keyboard, that is preferred by English language users.

When I attempted to find out what assorted keyboards were preferred in Asia, the general advise was to use a US qwerty keyboard. Following this up, for Chinese I discovered that Chu Bong-Foo (1937 – ) invented a Cangjie input method in 1976, which assigns different “roots” to each key on a standard computer keyboard.

For other languages, including Hindi, Japanese and Korean, there are other input method editors that can produce appropriate content. Again, many of these rely on a standard US Qwerty keyboard.

An ISO keyboard has been part of my life since the acquisition of our first personal computer, an Amiga 2000 in 1986. That keyboard was Norwegian specific. The Amiga 1000 that we borrowed before our own computer arrived, was probably not ISO. At some point, Norwegian language keyboards ceased to be easily available, and were replaced by Nordic keyboards.

Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish have 3 additional letters, 29 in total: Å is in the same place in all four languages, located to the right of P on the keyboard. Swedish and Finnish use the same layout, with Ö and Ä following consecutively to the right of L, as do the Danish Æ and Ø, and the Norwegian Ø and Æ. Yes, Danish and Norwegian have two of these extra letters in the reverse order. Icelandic uses the same keyboard, but has 32 letters, and a much more complex arrangement.

During the operating system installation process, users are typically polled about the keyboard layout to be used. The language to be used is a separate question. If necessary, this information can be changed later.

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There are five differences between the keyboards, as shown in the table below.

Enter/ Return keyShort and wideTall and narrow
Left Shift keyHalf the width of right shift keySame width as right shift key
Backslash keyAbove Enter keyLeft of Enter key
Right of Space barRight Alt keyAlt Graph key
Number of keys104 (Full)/ 87 (Compact)105 (Full)/ 88 (Compact)

People experience varying degrees of difficulty transitioning between ANSI and ISO keyboards. One of the laptops I disposed of (prematurely?) had an ANSI keyboard because I found it problematic to use.

Logitech offers ANSI keyboards for British/ American users, but ISO keyboards for other European language users. While I find the Ergo K860 comfortable to type with, there are many other manufacturers of ergonomic keyboards. Note: the photo on keyboard packaging may be deceptive in terms of ISO/ ANSI, check the keyboard itself, before purchasing.

By accident and to my surprise, I discovered that many people wash their keyboards in sinks, or even dishwashers. Precautionary suggestions vary from none to ensuring that cords/ cables are covered in plastic, that cool water be used, that no or a mild detergent/ soap be used, that a dishwasher’s top rack be used, that the keyboard be given a week to dry thoroughly. None of the above advice is mine, and it comes with no guarantees! Yes, I have on occasion used a damp cloth to remove dust (and other contaminants) from the surface of my keyboards.

Membrane Keyboards

I use the adjective, sedate, to describe keyboards that use membrane switches. Membrane keyboards have a life expectancy of about 5 million key presses. If a person types minimally, say 1 000 words a day = 5 000 characters, such a keyboard will last almost three years. In contrast, a mechanical switch can last 50 (Gateron) – 100 (Cherry) million key presses, which at the same production rate means they should last over 27 or 54 years, respectively.

So here we are at the end of 2024, and my K860 membrane keyboard still works flawlessly, despite it having logged at least those 5 million key presses. While I know that many products work until they don’t, I have difficulty believing that I have reached anywhere near its end of life. Half way, at most! So, I expect it to keep on working until 2028, when I celebrate my 80th birthday. Then, well I might treat myself to something else. I might just revert back to using my favourite keyboard, a K380.

I suspect that most readers of this weblog post do not have such excessive production rates, as I do. Yet, they still face two contradictory impulses with respect to their keyboards, even if they works satisfactorily. The first is tedium/ boredom. How many years does a person want to interact the same keyboard? The second is the reverse, novelty. How many keyboards does a person want to experience? For me, I want the keyboard to respond to my touch in a specific way. I touch the keys lightly, and know precisely how far I have to press down to activate each key. I want the keys to respond silently. I have been touch-typing for over sixty years.

Mechanical Keyboards

In describing the world of mechanical keyboards, I never know which adjective to use: frenzied, obsessive or hyper. This section is possibly longer than necessary for many older users who are content with membrane keyboards. However, some younger people, who are still out in the working world may prefer to gain some insights about them.

In offices, production rates allegedly vary from 8 – 22 000 keystrokes per hour, for data entry tasks, to about 2 000 keystrokes for other more general office workers. With an effective production of 20 000 keystrokes per hour over a six hour day, this results in 120 000 keystrokes per day, or perhaps about 25 million keystrokes per year, which would give a life expectancy of between two years and four years for a mechanical keyboard. A membrane keyboard would not be acceptable in such an environment!

The active ingredient on a mechanical keyboard are its switches, one for each character. There are three standard types: linear, tactile and clicky. Linear switches are simple, they lack tactile/ audio feedback when they reach the actuation point, where the key press is registered. Tactile switches provide tactile feedback, commonly referred to as a bump, when hitting the actuation point. Clicky switches provide tactile and audio feedback when they hit the actuation point. The feedback provided by both tactile and clicky switches reduces typing effort. One is continuously aware of how much effort is needed to register a key press, so a user can type faster. People who do not want to disturb others with audio effects will choose linear or silent tactile switches, typically referred to as brown switches.

There are experiences that lead me towards or away from many manufacturer and particular products.

Switches are available from Logitech, Kailh, Cherry, Gateron and Epomaker. There are a lot of potential mechanical keyboard contenders. Some of the ones I have considered acquiring are: Logitech POP Keys with cloned Cherry MX Brown switches from Trantek Electronics Co. Ltd of China; Drop ENTR with switches from Kailh; Keychron Q8 (Alice) ergonomic keyboard with Gateron Pro G Brown switches; and Epomaker TH80 a slightly less ergonomic keyboard with their own Flamingo linear switches.

With so many Logitech keyboards in my collection, I was initially attracted by the appearance (blast yellow & emoji keys) of the POP equipment, but not the keyboard or mouse functions. Unfortunately, there are numerous issues with the keyboard. One review indicate that the keyboard is tricky and unforgiving to type on, and replacing useful key functions with five emoji shortcuts is just a novelty. The keycaps don’t seem particularly well made, with legends pad printed, a method criticized for its poor wear. Dye sublimation or double-shot molding is preferred. There are no height adjustable feet. It does not come with back lighting. It is not an ISO keyboard. The keyboard costs about US$ 100, plus shipping. Gimmick describes the keyboard in one word!

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A Logitech POP mechanical keyboard, complete with emoji keys, and matching POP mouse in blast yellow. The keyboard may look cute or even attractive, but it is inferior to most other mechanical keyboards. Photo: Logitech.

Drop was founded in 2012 in San Francisco as Massdrop by Steve El-Hage and Nelson Wu, who met in Toronto. It changed its name to Drop in 2019. For me, the problem with Drop was the initial propaganda I encountered. It showed a tube-based amplifier beside a keyboard. This was a danger signal, as I am not a member of any tribe using old-fashioned tubes. Yes, I belong to the transistor generation!

If one can overcome that initial prejudice, the ENTR keyboard is a Ten Key Less (TKL) = 80% board, which lacks some keys, some say 17 rather than 10, in relation to a full-sized keyboard. The missing keys are not used much, and there are workarounds for them. Ergonomically, a TKL is considered much better for productive typing, than a full-sized keyboard. The challenge for me, is that it is an ANSI keyboard, which makes it, by definition, unsuitable. It also costs US$ 100, plus shipping.

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A Drop ENTR mechanical ANSI keyboard. Technically better than a Logitech POP. Photo: Drop.

The Keychron Q8 Alice ISO-Nordic keyboard is a good mechanical ergonomic keyboard. Many claim that this is a 65% keyboard, because its keys that are based on a 65% keyboard that is split into right and left halves, with a gap between them. The two sides are angled and tilted upwards. Other ergonomic keyboards tilt downwards. At a price over US$ 200, plus shipping, it is an expensive keyboard. Yet, given its durability, it is probably a suitable investment for anyone who writes a lot and expects to live longer than six years more, the life expectancy of two Logitech K860 keyboards, at the rate of 5 000 keystrokes a day. One advantage of this keyboard is its mass. The keyboard is constructed of CNC machined 6063 aluminum with a mass of 1 820 g. This keyboard stays firmly in place when typing, while lighter keyboards have a tendency to move. Quantum Mechanical Keyboard firmware (QMK) can be customized/ programmed/ mapped with a VIA configurator/ programmer/ app. Both the firmware and the programmer are open-source. 

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A Keychron Q8, with an Alice ISO Nordic layout, additional/ substitute keys available, and details of the Gateron red switches, commonly supplied. Photo: Keychron.

The Epomaker TH80 offers a keyboard that is slightly less ergonomic, but more affordable at US$ 100 plus shipping. It offers more keys than the Q8. Some regard it as a 75%, others an 80% keyboard. The keys are hot swapable, which is probably uninteresting to anyone over the age of 30, not engaged in gaming. There are three ways to connect this keyboard to a computer including 2.4Ghz WiFi/ Bluetooth 5.0/ USB Type-C wired connector. Keycaps are made from polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) that tolerate high temperatures (150 C), resist solvants, are mechanically strong and long wearing with a matte finish. On the negative side, they are usually more brittle, and resonate more/ sound louder when typing. A MDA profile indicates a keycap design that emphasizes a uniform concaveness. The individual keycaps have a wide and flat surface. They are more suitable for typing than gaming. These keycaps have dye-sublimated legends. Another feature of the keyboard is it RGB effects using south-facing (towards the typist) software-programmable LEDs.

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An Epomaker TH80 ISO keyboard, but with an American, rather than Nordic, layout.


An Ergo Vertical mouse is my companion rodent. Propaganda from Logitech told me it works at the ideal angle for a hand = 57°. I find it comfortable to use. However, not everyone may be in agreement, particularly people who prefer to use their left hand with a mouse, or people with smaller hands.

Right-handed versions of the Logitech Lift are available in three colours: rose, off-white and graphite. A left-handed is available in graphite only.

The Logitech Lift, and a minimally different Lift for Business, are suitable for people with small to medium sized hands. Some of the differences between Lift and Vertical, include: Lift is made out of plastic, while Vertical is made from rubber and aluminum. Lift can only be used wirelessly, while Vertical can also be used with a USB-C cable. Lift has a replaceable battery, Vertical is rechargeable. Lift is good for 3 million clicks, Vertical for 10 million.

Variants of both the Vertical and Lift are made for people who favor their left hand, although colours may be limited. Further information about mice for people with large hands can be found here, which includes a reference to a Levkey left hand mouse. Similar information for people with small hands can be found here.

My experience with rodents, is that they seldom fail, but when they do they have reached the end of their life. Appropriate replacements take time to acquire. While we do have local stores that sell them, most of the mice available locally do not meet my specific requirements. For this reason, I always have an extra mouse on hand that I can use when required. My current reserve rodent is a MX Anywhere 3. It is often classified as a travel/ compact mouse. The two main attributes that are often highlighted are its speed and accuracy. Mine is pink to match a MX keys mini keyboard, which was also acquired if my primary keyboard should ever fail.

For computer aided design, and well as other drawing inputs, I use a Wacom One pen tablet. It comes with a pressure sensitive and lightweight pen, without batteries, or a need to charge. It connects with a USB cable to any Windows, macOS, Chromebook or Linux PC. I have only used it with a Linux machine, but there are built-in drivers that just work. Propaganda from Wacom says that it is bundled with apps specifically tailored for education. I have no idea what they are talking about. However, it did work with Krita, the Swedish graphic program I was using. Size (W x D x H): 277 x 189 x 8.7 mm, without tag and rubber foot, with an active area (W * D): 216 x 135 mm.

There are more expensive products, that may be suitable for graphics and some other professionals. For non-professionals, the Wacom One is gudenuf!


In 1969 I worked as a stockbroker trainee in Vancouver, where I had regular contact with a Mitsubishi lumber buyer. He described a flat-panel display he had seen in Japan, that was being developed by his company. He expected it to be on the market by the mid-1970s, at the latest. He was a bit optimistic, as it took about thirty years. In the US, Westinghouse had already developed a electroluminescent display (ELD) was made using thin-film transistors (TFT), but it was not ready for prime-time.

The brightness of a monitor is measured in candela per square meter. Since this is long and complex, the unofficial term, nits, is often used. Since candela measure light intensity. The value in nits shows how bright a screen appears. Nit comes from the Latin verb nitere = to shine. This monitor provides 300 nits, which is within the normal range of between 200 and 600 nits for laptop screens and monitors. 300 nits is considered to be most appropriate. It offers good visibility, shows colours well and prevents eye strain.

Almost all new monitors have LED backlighting. WLED just means white light emiting diode, that I consider a marketing gimmick. While gamers and video editors like to have the fastest possible refresh rate, this is not so important in office situations. A refresh rate of 100 (and sometimes even 60 Hz) is fully acceptable. This monitor has a refresh rate of 144 Hz.

There are two different pixel response benchmarks for monitors: Grey-to-Grey (GtG) and Moving Picture Response Time (MPRT). GtG represents how long it takes for a pixel to change between two colors, while MPRT represents how long a pixel is continuously visible. While GtG pixel response time has improved, MPRT has not gotten faster because MPRT is limited by the refresh cycle and by the frametime. Here, the response times are: GtG = 4 ms, while MPRT = 1 ms.

Contrast ratio refers to the difference between the minimum brightness and maximum brightness of a monitor. For example, looking at a monitor with a 1 000:1 contrast ratio, a white image would appear 1 000 times brighter than a black image on that one specification.

There are no official test procedures to find a contrast ratio. Static contrast ratio, attempts to measure the difference in luminosity, comparing the brightest and darkest shades the system is capable of producing simultaneously. Dynamic contrast is the luminosity ratio comparing the brightest and darkest shade the system is capable of producing over time while a picture is moving. Here, the contrast ratios are: 3 000:1 static; 80M:1 dynamic.

Almost all monitors specify a viewing angle of 178 degrees.

Manufacturers are always enthusiastic about how many colours their monitors can reproduce. 16.7 million is a typical answer. This means that 24-bits are used to define the colour of each and every pixel, eight bits each for red (R), green (G) and blue (B). If there are slightly over one billion colors, this means that 30-bits per pixel are being used; 10 bits each for R, G and B. In the real world, this is only used in equipment for video and photo editing.

In the beginning (2010) Ken Birman developed vertical synchronization (V-Sync), display technology software designed to help monitors prevent screen tearing, a situation that arises when two different image components interact/ because the monitor’s refresh rate can’t keep pace with the data being sent from the graphics card. It causes a cut or misalignment to appear in the image.

By 2013 Nvidia developed G-Sync, which is a proprietary hardware solution to the same problem. G-Sync works only with Nvidia graphic cards. In 2014 AMD developed FreeSync, which was a royalty free alternative to G-Sync. It works with AMD as well as Nvidia graphic cards, and on some consoles. Thus, it is a more flexible solution. The one concession to gaming in this monitor is its use of FreeSync, which works between 30 and 144 Hz.

Overexposure to blue light is claimed to cause problems that range from dry eyes to eye strain, sleep cycle disruption as well as macular degeneration, which can cause partial blindness. Some people blame these problems on the overuse of computers, rather than blue light. Regardless of its merits, many manufacturers are reducing the amount of blue light being send out.

If the display cannot be positioned satisfactorily, then one must consider repositioning the desk. Ideally, a display should be placed at right angles to, or away from, windows and other light sources so it does not create/ reflect glare. Glare may cause eye strain. Once this is done, the display should be centered directly in front of the user.

When this wait for flatscreens was finally rewarded, Cliff Cottage was eventually populated with them, but it took time, because they were so expensive to start with. The life of a flat-screen monitor probably exceeds fifteen years. Thus, people may want to ensure that what they purchase is suitable for their future needs.

One notable product was an LG 24″/ 60 cm flatscreen monitor for a media centre purchased in the early 2000s. It lasted until it was replaced with a Samsung 40″/ 100 cm model from 2010, purchased used in 2012. This machine was in use until a 50″/ 125 cm model from NetOnNet, Anderson QLED5031UHDA was purchased 2023-11-17. It has 4K = 3840 x 2160 pixel resolution. In terms of sound, it is equipped with Dolby Atmos and DTS:X surround sound standards.

There are three common types of LCD panels: twisted (TN), in-plane switching (IPS) and vertical alignment (VA). This monitor uses a VA panel. Compared to a TN panel, it has a deeper-black background, a higher contrast ratio, a wider viewing angle, and better image quality at extreme temperatures. Compared to an IPS panel, it has deeper black levels that allow for a higher contrast ratio, which are 3 000:1. However, the viewing angle is narrower, and color and especially contrast shifts are more apparent.

Office monitors have changed considerably over the past years. With a conventional office desk, an ideal screen size used to be 24″ / 61 cm, then 27″/ 70 cm or less. If more screen area was required up to three such screens could be parked on a desk, so that multiple data windows could be opened simultaneously.

Numerous laptops, and assorted flatscreen monitors have also been purchased. For example:

Trish uses a Benq GL2450 T, which was made 2015-04. My records do not indicate when it was purchased, but probably sometime in 2015. It has a 24″/ 61 cm screen, with high definition 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution, using TN technology. It offers 250 cd/m2 brightness, which is now regarded as a low value. Dynamic range = 1k:1 – 1M:1. Energy use = 50 W, 0.3 W in standby. The response time is 5 ms. which is adequate for office use, but too low for other uses. It also comes with a DVI-D connector, rather than an HDMI connector. This is manageable because there are adapters between DVI-D and HDMI. It functioned adequately, but is not height adjustable and does not have many of the features found on modern monitors.

For many years I used a Samsung SyncMaster S27B350 monitor that was purchased 2012-11-09. It has a 27″/ 686 mm HDMI screen. Other differences between it and the Benq discussed above are: Brightness = 300 cd/m2. Energy consumption = 40 W. Its response time is 2 ms.

Because I have some vision issues related to blue-light exposure, it was replaced 2020-10-07 with a AOC Q27P2Q, a 27″ monitor with 150 mm height adjustment, using ISP panel technology displaying 2560 x 1440 pixels, with low blue light technology. Dimensions: 528.2(H) x 808.4(W) x 237.4(D);Tilt: -5/ 23; Height adjustment 130 mm; swivel -32/ 32. Power: 67/ 0.5/ 0.3 on/ standby/ off, respectively. Mass: 8 100 g. The ACO screen has also wavered in price. It was purchased for NOK 2 300. Soon after my purchase it increased to about NOK 3 200, then it fell once again to NOK 2 400. As this post is published it costs NOK 2 700.

When I purchased this new monitor, I was aware that it wouldn’t work with my KVM = keyboard & video & mouse, a device/ switch that allows up to several computers to share the same peripheral equipment. My KVM, an Aten CS692, has 2-ports allowing it to work with two computers, but the screen size is restricted to HD = 1920 x 1080 pixels. Fortunately, if I am desperate to use two computers simultaneously, I have up to several old HD monitors available, that work with this HD KVM.

Depending on one’s activities, only extraordinary circumstances dictate that a person should have more than one keyboard, monitor and mouse at their workstation. KVMs can be purchased (or in some circumstances made) that will meet the individual needs of any user. Many KVMs can be used to access computers remotely. While my desktop machine is adequate for most purposes, it would not be suitable for either gaming or video editing.

Today = 2024, people are going over to ultra-wides. This allows for a 35″/ 90 cm screen, that fits on a conventional office desk. At some point Trish’s monitor will either wear out, or she will realize that it has passed its use-by date. Thus, I could offer her my AOC monitor, and purchase an AOC CU34P2A 34″ ultrawide buet WQHD gaming monitor. This monitor was selected for discussion, because of its price: It was under a magic NOK 4 000 = US$ 360 (at publication).

Diagonal size: 34”/ 864 mm with the curvature equivalent to a radius of 1 500 mm, normally described at 1500R. There is a 797 x 334 mm viewing area, populated with 3440 x 1440 pixels. This has an aspect ratio of 2.37:1, but is marketed as 21:9. It consumes 55 W when in use, and 0.3 W on standby.

When discussing a monitor for office purposes, it is important to remember that the standard paper document size in Europe is A4 = 210 x 297 mm = 8.3 x 11.7 inches. It is a substitute for 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper found in North America. An ultra-wide monitor allows for up to several rows of tool, memory and other bars, at the top and bottom, as well as the display of four documents with their width only slightly compacted, but with their length in full size.

In-Plane Switching (IPS) technology should be used to provide accurate colour and a wide (up to 180°) viewing angle. It should be easy to height-adjust, tilt, pivot and swivel the display. In addition, the display should be flicker free and have reduced blue light, especially after dark. Some find it advantageous for a display to have built-in stereo speakers. However, headsets should be provided and used whenever two or more people share/ occupy a room.


Clarification: I am not, and have never regarded myself an audiophile. In fact, I am opposed to using the term, because those self-appointed lovers of sound far too often promote nonsense,

There are many different types of headphones, that distinguish themselves in terms of their ear cups. The are: closed-back, open-back, on-ear, in-ear (ear buds). Headphones are used for different purposes. A performing musician may want something entirely different from someone watching YouTube videos on a computer.

Closed-back headphones are designed with sealed ear cups that offer excellent noise isolation. They also prohibit the user from hearing people and other things within their environment.

Open-back headphones, have perforated ear cups that allow air and sound to pass through.

Open-ear headphones are designed to direct sound waves directly to the middle ear, avoiding your eardrum. Some users state that these make it possible for a user to immerse him/ herself in content while remaining aware of your surroundings. These are useful for people who are active outdoors.

On-ear headphones rest on the ears rather than enclosing them. It is claimed that they strike a balance between portability and comfort, offering good sound quality without fully sealing off the ears from the environment. These may be suitable for younger users, but for people with a hearing disability, they can be detrimental.

Over ear headphones envelop the ears completely, providing noise isolation and immersive sound. This is my preferred choice of headphone.

In-Ear Earbuds are small, lightweight headphones that fit directly into the ear canal. They are highly portable and easily transportable and very compact, but due to the small size of the speaker, they can’t create true sound isolation.

In-ear headphones, also known as in-ear monitors (IEMs), fit snugly into the ear canal, providing excellent noise isolation and sound quality. These go deeper into the ear canal than earbuds.

When I was in the market for a headset, many sites with reviews about headsets for the hearing impaired suggested versions of Audio Technica products, commonly the ATH-M50X at NOK 1 100. However, these are headphones for listening, without a microphone for speaking. These could be complemented with an Audio Technica ATR3350iS omnidirectional condenser lavalier microphone, that comes with an adapter, allowing it to be used with handheld devices. These cost almost NOK 550, for a total price of almost NOK 1 650.

This seemed expensive, and I started to investigate office and gaming headsets. Even the Logitech G433 and the Logitech G Pro X also seemed too expensive, at NOK 1 250 and NOK 1 350 respectively. I decided that I could stretch myself to buy a Logitech G Pro at NOK 1 000, as a compromise. However, on the day I decided to buy one, the G Pro X came on sale at NOK 900, which was lower than either the G Pro or G433. It was purchased on 2020-10-07. Then I purchased a second, but wireless, for NOK 1 300 on 2023-12-31. Todays prices: The G Pro X wireless headset is NOK 1 700, while the wired variant costs NOK 1 100.


There are two types of printers that are suitable for individuals, families and most small businesses. These are colour laser and ink-jet.

I have never had a relationship with Hewlett-Packard (HP), in part because my employers, Møre and Romsdal county and North Trøndelag county bought and used many of their products. Unfortunately, these often had reliability issues. Thus, when it came time for us to buy printers we chose Canon.

Ink-jet printers are usually inexpensive, because manufacturers make their money from selling cassettes. The advantage of a laser printer, in contrast to an ink-jet printer, is that while the ink cartridges are more expensive, they do not dry out.

We have a Canon i-Sensys MF633CDW colour laser printer with a scanner. We print out very few pages a year, yet there is never a problem when we do so. Most of the time, the machine is used as a scanner.

I imagine this will be the last printer we purchase, as long as we can buy cartridges that fit the machine. We buy remanufactured cartridges from Yaha, a company located in Arendal in Agder, in southern Norway. They even offer cartridges that even fit ancient printers.

Our relationship with Yaha dates to 2008-02-16, when we bought our first laptop computer, an Acer Travel Mate 5520. It provided a 15.4″ screen, with 2 GB RAM and 160 GB hard disk drive storage. The invoice states that it came with a Windows XP operating system. It cost NOK 6 500. When I look at the details, it appears that this machine was destined for our daughter, Shelagh. A month later, we bought a second machine, with a 17″ screen. It appears to be for our son, Alasdair.

Needs/ Wants

Because I have the opportunity to do so, I prioritize the purchase of computer equipment beyond minimal household needs. While these could be considered (and budgeted) as part of the computing infrastructure, a more honest appropriation is to consider them as hobby electronics expenditures.

Soon, I hope to relocate a Behringer MS-1 synthesizer (purchased 2022-03-25) beside my desktop machine, so that they both can take advantage of the same audio equipment, including a Native Instrument Komplett Audio 6 interface (purchased 2020-11-12). If I should want to share sounds locally, there is Red, an Angry Birds speaker (An audiophile would add that it is a Hybrid mesh PRO-G 50 mm speaker. it comes with a neodymium magnet, providing a frequency response between 20 Hz and 20 kHz, with an impedance of 35 ohms.


Devices have personalities. I refer to them as third level personas. Persona, was first documented as a word in 1905–10. It is derived from the Latin, persōna, meaning mask or character. The first two levels are people and pets. When we first started using computers we named them after Agatha Christie characters, such as Jane (Marple). Once that list had become exhausted, we named them after departed relatives. This can create some challenges. When it came time to name a computer after my maternal grandmother, Jane Andison nee Briggs, that name had already been used. Now, I have begun naming devices after qualities. The weblog post is being written on/ with Enigmata, which refers to a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation. Lingists will appreciate learning that enigma came into the English language in 1530–40. It is from the Latin aenigma, from the Greek aínigma, equivalent to ainik- (stem of ainíssesthai = to speak in riddles, derivative of aînos = fable) + -ma noun suffix of result.

Yes, there are gamers who do have their distinct requirements, usually specified in terms of graphics and latency (time delay), and other explicit requests. There are some/ many Macintosh users, who answer Apple, even before any question is asked. Then there is a category called most people, who simply accept whatever machine and operating system combination some salesperson/ website is promoting that day – Chrome OS on inexpensive, Windows on mid-range and Surface on more exclusive machines. Linux? Well, that takes effort.

In addition to backup files on the Mothership server, copies are stored on assorted external drives. Recently, and for the first time, an external harddisk drive (EHDD) has failed. It was a Seagate Backup Plus 4 TB unit purchased, 2016-11-22. It had been used minimally. Since then, no other EHDD has failed.

Part of the challenge of thriving with a computer is a function of one’s age. The first time I heard that voice control would replace keyboards was probably around 1978. It would take five years, an expert had suggested, 1983. Since then, thirty-six years have passed, and still I buy keyboards regularly. I now expect to use a keyboard as my primary input device for the duration of my life.

Brock’s Office

This post describes my working environment, providing some insights into what the space is used for, and my reaction to the things in it. It is located in Cliff Cottage, on the upper = main floor, at the head of the stairs. It occupies an area of 3.4 square meters = 36.6 square feet, and is 2 meters long and 1.7 meters wide.

An office is not just space. Work in this modern age involves a dependency on electricity. So my desk has 12 electrical sockets divided between two outlets (6 each) on either side of the window. In addition, there is a need for ample light: daylight when it is available through that window, LED lamps, especially, when it is not. One also needs ergonomically designed equipment, especially if one is going to be working many hours during the day.

The photo, above, shows my office space. Office equipment, such as a desk and a chair, are essential for providing functionality in a working environment. These also help maintaining health and happiness. One realization that came writing this post is that there are so many Ikea products. But not everything. The desk is not from Ikea, but was purchased from a office outfitting store in Steinkjer. It is electrically powered height adjustable. While some would never want one, others find it ideal, because it allows them to stand or sit and vary their position, depending on their mood. However, standing (without adequate movement) can also be a health issue. I quit standing at my desk when I turned 75. Instead, I attempt to get in an hour of walking, outdoors or in 2 x 30 minute or 3 x 20 minute indoor sessions, that may include several trips up and down stairs.

The computing equipment did not come from Ikea. Most of it was provided by Multicom, located in Åmli = elm slope, a village in a rural municipality of the same name, in Agder, the most southern county in Norway.

When this area was designated a space for an office in 2010, ceiling tiles were added. In addition, the space was fitted with a florescent light. Under the European Economic Area (EEA) = 27 European Union countries, plus Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, directive on Restrictions on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) from 2011, the production and import of new fluorescent lighting was banned from 2023. Sales will be allowed until stocks were used up, and consumers were allowed to use them until they stopped working. The reason for the ban was based on their use of toxic materials, especially mercury, although there were other concerning materials, such as phosphorus. Thus, this ban is to protect human health and the environment from their harmful effects. In round numbers, the LED replacement tubes are twice as expensive, but use about 50% less power, and last about ten times longer.

Legislation banning florescent tubes is pending in other parts of the world, as well. In USA, it is the various states that have to initiate legislation. The following states have banned them, to the best of my ability I have attempted to state the year when that ban will take place: California (2025), Colorado (2025), Hawaii (2025), Maine (2026), Maryland (2025), Nevada (2024), New Jersey (2023), Oregon (2025) Rhode Island (2025), Vermont (2024), Washington (2023), Washington DC (2022). Meanwhile, in Canada, most fluorescent lamps containing mercury will be prohibited by 2029-12-31, with the first prohibitions set for 2026-01-01.

As can be seen in the above photo, there is a cotton curtain in a philodendron pattern that covers the window. It was designed by Malin Gyllensvaan (? – ) for Ikea. A living philodendron, growing in its own pot was once located near there. It has been moved because it took up too much space. On the window wall, off to the right, but not shown in the photo, is an Alex half-height storage unit with five drawers that stores my valuable possessions, as well as not so valuable junk.

In that unit, one tool is a Casio FX-82 calculator. I have bought four iterations of it, starting in 1982, with the last bought in 2020. All were cheap but adequate scientific calculators released in several variations over the years aimed at tertiary level students. These are powered by 2 AA batteries which because of the calculator’s low power consumption, meant the machine would last for years without a battery change. While most computing devices have an adequate scientific calculator app, there are some circumstances where these are not allowed. One case is the amateur radio operator exam. Thus, the last one was bought to make calculations on that exam.

Also in the unit is a soldering station, with additional equipment to prevent damage associated with electro-static discharge (ESD). On top of the unit are battery charging devices for battery powered power tools, hand-held devices and more. Also attached to the wall is a unit to hold small tools including 24 screw drivers and other ESD compliant tools for working with electronics. Above that is a storage unit with 24 drawers for small electrical components/ parts. In the ceiling of that exterior wall there is LED strip lighting.

Behind the Alex unit, and about 70 cm from the edge of the desk, there is a linen cupboard facing away from the desk area, It is 60 x 100 x 210 cm (D x W x H). Its back is used to hold a peg board, which has many different types of decorative items on it. Accessed from the other side, the top 50 cm of the linen closet is used to store some of my surplus computer and other equipment. For example, this is where I have five keyboards, two mice, four small obsolete computers, a slide scanner, a telescope, a synthesizer, a tripod and more.

On the wall shown in the photo, there are two burgundy (red) four compartment Ikea Eket storage units. On top of them there are items from the early 1970s, including a Ten-Tec Argonaut 504 radio transceiver, and three yellow Crayonne storage containers, as well as a contemporary yellow hard hat. The Eket compartments hold books, writing supplies, a stereo microscope, power supplies and mugs with assorted pens and pencils. Along the lower edge there are LED light strips.

Below the Eket compartments there is a shelf that holds three mustard (yellow) Ikea Moppe units. One of them with 9 small drawers, one with 6 medium sized drawers, and yet another with three large drawers. Shelldun, a frequently broken then repaired ceramic turtle, lives between the first and the second. He reminds me of my turtle clan, Mohawk ancestry. My Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 interface is stored between the second and third units. Also on the shelf are two photos of my daughter Shelagh, and my mother, Jennie, as well as a portable HF radio. To the right of these, attached to the wall there is a yellow and black 34 dB ear defender, and a Logitech G Pro X wireless headset.

Finally, we come to the desk itself. The desk measures 100 x 180 cm, but lacks a segment that measures 80 cm x 20 cm.

Many people will see Red, the Angry Birds speaker, that is only used when multiple people are encouraged to listen to something. Red is purported to be a northern cardinal = Cardinalis cardinalis. This species is native to where I have my biological origins, in Essex county, Ontario, which is the most southerly county in Canada. Also on my desk is a ceramic tile showing the Essex county tartan, superimposed on a county map. This is where I place my coffee cup.

An Asus P50 computer sits on the desk, but is barely visible in the photo, being largely hidden by a monitor stand. It has an AMD Ryzen 7 4000 processor, 16 GB RAM and 512 GB SSD. It can be used for most office functions, but is not powerful enough for video editing or serious gaming. The computer is attached to the server and internet using a Unify Flex Mini 5-port gigabyte switch, with PoE = Power over Ethernet. Fiberoptic broadband increasingly moves large quantities of data through cyberspace.

Keyboards and mice are the most important input devices, as they have been since personal computers emerged. Currently, these are a Logitech ERGO K860 keyboard, and a Vertical mouse.

A monitor is the most important output device. These have become thinner, with improved resolution. The current monitor is a AOC Q27P2Q 27″ QHD IPS 2560 x 1440 pixels i 16:9 format. The monitor sits on an Ikea Elloven monitor stand. The drawer in the stand, mainly contains writing implements, the most common being Pilot V-ball 0.5 mm with blue liquid ink.

We also have a Canon i-Sensys MF643CDW colour laser printer with a scanner, that is located between my office, and Trish’s office, that she refers to as the Blue Room. It was purchased in 2019. The advantage of a laser printer, in contrast to an ink-jet printer, is that the ink cartridges do not dry out. We print out very few pages a year, yet there is never a problem when we do so. Most of the time, the machine is used as a scanner.

The last item on the desk deserving a comment is the combination desk lamp with 3 diopter magnifying glass. The light source is a circular florescent tube. This is the last remaining florescent lamp in the house where we lack LED replacement tubes. The needed replacement lamp is referred to as a Osram Substitube T9 LED circular light, with a 212 mm diameter, 1320 Lumen that consumes 11 W. It has a colour temperature of 4000 K = cold white. Power consumption with the original lamp is 22 W. This is not the first light source that we have had difficulty converting. The upstairs bathroom has a short (451 mm length) linear tube. I could not find a replacement until one day, in the local co-op I found one. It was purchased immediately. It will be replaced as soon as the current light wears out. I expect something similar will happen with this one remaining circular light.

I sit at an Ikea Råvaror (Swedish) = Fresh Produce (English) non-adjustable folding chair. When I initially tried the chair out, I made sure that it was suitable for my height and weight. It is comfortable to use. Many people are too concerned about desk chair padding. Personally, I don’t think one obtains extra comfort from it. Most of the time when I use this chair, my (human) back is not touching the seat back. However, I feel sitting like this improves my posture.

While the screen-saver is difficult to see in the first photo, it is reproduced below. It is incorrectly titled, “A Map of the Area that I call Home.” It has been used, with this incorrect title, as the screen saver on all of my computers, for at least 15 years. On the left is part of Vancouver Island. In the middle is the Salish Sea. On the right at the top = north, is Canada. On the right at the bottom = south, is USA. If one examines the photo in detail, there is a slight difference in the topography north and south of the border.

In contrast, Trish’s screen saver has a large number of photographs that she has taken, that she cycles between.

A composite photo of the area that I call home, used as a screen saver on all of my computers. It is a constant reminder of my origins in British Columbia.

One of the first differences we noted when we moved to Norway, was that the health aspects of seating were taken seriously. Pupils were assigned desks and chairs that were suited to their bodies, and school nurses and other professionals were engaged in this process. Height adjustments of chairs and desks for growing children should made, say, two – four times a year. Adults should probably check things annually. Pregnant women may also want to make more frequent adjustments.

Procedures for a home office with a seat adjustable chair and desk.

Begin by sitting. First, adjust the chair seat height so that feet are comfortable on the floor. Adjustments to the back support can then be made. Second, adjust the desk height so that hands feel comfortable on the keyboard and mouse. Measure and note this position. Third, adjust the display/ monitor/ screen height so that it can be seen comfortably without strain. Yes, this means that monitors should be height adjustable. Place the top of the screen at or slightly below (0 – 30°) eye level. It should also be placed about an arm’s length away from the user, so that the entire screen can be viewed comfortably. With a sit-stand chair, there is also a fourth adjustment. Stand and remove the chair. Adjust the desk height once again so the hands feel comfortable using the keyboard and mouse. Measure and note this position. The display should need no further adjustment.

One of the main challenges of modern offices is that people are connected 24/7. Yes, perpetually. We are fortunate, in some respects, we experience electrical outages randomly, but at about monthly intervals. This forces us to do something else, for up to a few hours.

In addition, people should plan activities away from computers up to several hours a day. Activities may include: walking, gardening, woodworking, reading, and or much more.

Note: I am not the most enthusiastic user of the word home. In part it is because the term is used commercially by companies such as Home Depot. A more honest name for them would have been Building Supplies Depot. The term gives a sense of false intimacy to a business. I also dislike the term home being used in connection with commercially made food. I have come across home made products that have been made in factories. I usually avoid buying them.

Every place where a person lives is different. People have very specific ideas as to what that place should and should not be. To avoid having to take all of these specifics into consideration, and to avoid the wrath of readers by failing to do so, I changed the name of this post less than 26 hours before publication from Home Office to Household Office, then to My Office, before landing on Brock’s Office. After all, this is not the only office in our household.

Trish wanted me to add that I do not use this office for much of my writing. Yes, the office space is too open, and I have no opportunity to keep others away. I often prefer to isolate myself from the world, lying on my bed, using a laptop.

Computing Devices: An Update

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Twenty-four weblog posts about computing were published in 2020. The original intention of updating the posts at annual intervals, has not been fulfilled.

Every time I worked on the update, the text grew longer. It was then split into three posts. Each is still too long. This first one is mainly about computing devices. The second is about peripherals (such as keyboards and rodents). The third is about software, including operating systems. Originally, they were intended to be published at the end of 2021, then postponed to the end of 2022. This postponement was due to a desire to include information about several planned changes to our computer systems, that could be relevant for others. Once these changes were in place, challenges emerged with respect to our WordPress post notification system. In the end I just gave up, wrote a mail template using my Thunderbird Mail system, and started sending out notifications to people. While the original notification system was automatic, this takes time, adding a few minutes to each posting. There were still delays in 2023, and now in 2024, with 2025 quickly approaching.

Despite delays, these updates retain the goal of helping people make appropriate choices as they struggle through the maze of computer component/ device/ system acquisition opportunities. I have tried to edit the advice to suit older rather than younger readers. Older users are defined here as 60 + (born in or before 1965).


Most people in developed economies are not buying their first of anything, when it comes to computer equipment. Most purchases are equipment replacements. This brings up questions about: 1) what types of computer equipment to buy; 2) where to buy it; 3) how frequently one ought to replace it; and 4) what features should it have. Yes, some old features should be abandoned while some new features should be added.

Worn devices

Some years ago now, Trish and I attempted to use computer watches made by Wyse. This experiment ended with an understanding that these devices were not for us. I am uncertain where they are now. I believe we tried to return them to our son-in-law Derek when he came to visit in the summer of 2023. Our experience with these watches taught us is that it is important to know the characteristics of the equipment/ device one wants and the reasons for wanting it. We didn’t, possibly thinking that roles for the new watches would emerge as we used them. There were some vague imaginings about health issues, such as blood pressure. No blood pressure or other health related apps emerged.

It is important to have some idea about the expected live expectancy of every product. An inexpensive device that lasts less than a year, can be a much worse investment than buying something twice as expensive that lasts four years or more. However, buying a device that is never used is wasteful. So, one approach is to determine an acceptable price you are willing to pay for each item, then calculate the product price per time unit. Rank product alternatives on the basis of their price per unit time. If a bargain appears at a price below that target price, it can be purchased, as long as all the other requirements are met or exceeded.

Because our planet is figuratively boiling, computing device acquisitions should take the state of the world into consideration, and in particular the impending climate crisis. Here, one should not just follow the advice of Greta Thunberg (2003 – ), but people such as Mark Zachary Jacobson (1965- ), who is an expert on soot. He advises against many new computing acquisitions, as well as many new technologies. His general advice is an encouragement to rely on water, wind and solar for energy.

Jacobson is especially appreciated for two quotations: 1) Every dollar spent on nuclear is one less dollar spent on clean renewable energy and one more dollar spent on making the world a comparatively dirtier and a more dangerous place, because nuclear power and nuclear weapons go hand in hand. 2) You could power America with renewables from a technical and economic standpoint. The biggest obstacles are social and political – what you need is the will to do it. One of his more accessible books is: 100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything (2020),

The pandemic was followed by an illegal and immoral invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Military. This activity led to increased food and energy prices. Once again the poor suffered. They are the ones who are the most susceptible to food interruptions, while Ukrainian civilians are most endangered. People should take a hard look at the state of the world, and their purchasing patterns. The time has come to set other priorities than having the fastest or best, or even the cheapest! The most important priority is to ensure that temperatures are kept within 1.5 °C.

In the West, one problem younger people in the service sector are having to face, is choosing between working in the office or working from home. Productivity increases indicate that working from home is the most appropriate choice for most people. For smaller businesses, it is often a choice of either closing down, or allowing people to work at home. In contrast, Billionaires disagree. Elon Musk is opposed to anyone working at home.

In general, Trish and I try to buy products made locally. Yes, that includes eggs from a neighbouring farm. However, there are no computers that are made locally in Inderøy. That means there are different rings of local. It can mean a person’s municipality (Inderøy), region (Innherad), county (Trøndelag), country (Norway), cluster of related nations (Norden – Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland officially, but I also include many Baltic states especially Estonia), continent (Europe). Beyond this, much of the computer equipment purchased is made by Taiwanese, South-Korean or Japanese companies, some products are even made in the United States and Canada.

These would be bought from local stores, but only if they bother to stock them, or arrange for delivery quickly. Increasingly, we purchase white wares from Elon in Inderøy. Unfortunately, local stores seldom stock the peculiar equipment I am interested in. This means an increased reliance on online suppliers. Some national sellers are focusing more on price, and offering an increasing array of cheaper products made in countries not on my support list. I see no reason to support these companies, as I can often buy products from a preferred producer elsewhere, at about the same price.

Discovering where products are made can be challenging. My Kingston solid-state drives are made in Taiwan, which is an acceptable place. At one point, my supplier was unable to provide the Kingston flash drive I wanted, so I ended up with a SanDisk made in China, a less acceptable location. I discovered our television was made in Türkiye, only after we had purchased it. I also discovered that a SUN-sdr (software defined radio) that seemed to be Swedish, was made in Taganrog, Rostov, Russia. Fortunately, I had not bought it, and will stick with a Red Pitaya SDR, made in Slovenia.

During 2022, we replaced both our hand-held devices and our laptops. Prior to shopping, we tried to answer questions about: where the device should be made or assembled, where we would buy the device; how long we intended to keep it; and, what features we wanted. These will be answered separately for the devices discussed here.

Computing Devices

We are two divergent people living together, one female and one male. There is 30 cm height difference, a 20 kg difference in body mass, and significant differences in hand measurements. One person has hearing issues, while the other has vision issues. Finding common ground for computers can be challenging, especially for hand-held devices.

Yet, we also have some common ground. Both of us are skilled touch typists, and we both use machines for the much the same purposes.

Hand-held Devices

Our first smart hand-held devices, HTC Gratia Nordic models, were purchased 2011-03-21, and lasted for about five years. Their replacements were two used iPhones inherited from our daughter, Shelagh. Possibly because of our experience with the HTC phones, we did not feel especially comfortable using iPhones. These were replaced with a Huawei P9 lite (2016-08-02), and a P10 lite (2017-06-21). Having two distinct models of both the iPhones and Huawei phones proved burdensome, because solutions that worked for one device did not always work on the second one.

At the end of 2018, the P9 lite felt outdated. When another person’s P10 device broke, we decided to give our P10 to that person, and bought two Xiaomi Pocophone F1 devices (2018-12-25). The use of two Pocophones returned us to a more comfortable situation where we had two identical devices, where something learned about one device, could be applied to the second.

These were used for three years, until autumn 2022. Originally, we had decided to keep them for five years. The decision to buy new hand-held devices, was not because the old ones were worn out. Rather, there were two other factors that influenced us. One was the constant requests from Xiaomi to collect data, and intrude on our lives, that resulted in us not wanting to have anything more to do with Xiaomi. The second was to have a new device in place before the arrival of Buzz, an electric vehicle.

During the second half of 2022, we decided that we would continue to follow our policy of buying identical machines. The Pocaphones have not been discarded. One, perhaps both, will be converted to using the /e/ or Lineage open source operating system, just to see how suitable it is, as a replacement for Android. This would effectively eliminate Xiaomi (and Google).

Our priorities were to opt for a compact device, with a good camera and a 3.5 mm headphone jack reduced our choices considerably. We first considered buying Fairphones, but did not because they continue to have reliability issues.

On 2022-09-02, we bought Asus Zenfone 9 models, with 16 GB RAM, and 256 GB internal storage. equipped with Android 12, upgradable to Android 13. These cost NOK 9 500 each, more than the NOK 6 000 each, we were initially planning, but there were several factors that influenced this decision: compact size, a large battery, a good – but not excellent – camera, and a 3.5mm audio jack.

Porting over existing apps and data to the new devices went smoothly. We then added F-droid, directly from its site. It is a valuable tool to help people find open-source/ FOSS programs for their hand-held devices.

Once again, I estimate that these devices will last five years. Only fools will believe me, because I have no basis for making such a prophecy. The specifications chosen should enhance the longevity of the devices. So far, there have come no data requests from Asus.

At the time of purchase, smartphones typically cost between NOK 3 000 and 16 000, a rise of 50% from 2020. In addition, people were choosing top-end models because, for many, employers are paying for this equipment.

We are generally happy with our Zenfones. RhinoShield screen protectors was attached to each phone. This protector is a custom-made polymer film that absorbs and disperses fall shocks, leaving the display untouched and intact, is scratch resistant and doesn’t interfere touchscreen operations. An oleophobic coating that makes it fingerprint resistant. We also have cases in blue (for Trish) and pink (for Brock) that offer 3 card storage slots. Because, Brock goes through these cases faster than Trish, he has purchased two additional cases.


An alternative to the smart phone is the dumb phone There are four different groups of people who may want to use a dumb phone. First, there are criminals who may need an inexpensive throw-away phone. This group will not be addressed further. Then there are the minimalists, adults who do not want to clutter their lives with phones. A subgroup here are hikers and others who need a rugged phone, and are willing to put up with the limitations of a dumb phone while they explore wilderness areas. This group already knows what they want, and don’t want, so they will not be addressed here. Third, many countries are discussing banning people under the age of 16 from using social media and smartphones. A dumb phone offers them a solution in a world increasingly dependent on electronic communication. Again, we will let their parents investigate what is needed, in consultation with their children. Fourth, there are the elderly, who for various reasons are losing their ability to use conventional smartphones. It is this group that will be addressed here.

Many people have dumb phones in their collections, that were purchased when mobile phones first entered the scene, say before 2010. These are undoubtedly unsuitable because of network connectivity issues, even if their batteries still work!

People will have to accept the fact that they will need to invest in a relatively modern dumbphone. Two models will be examined here, the Nokia 3210 and the Dora 780X. These are models that could be used by the elderly because they are affordable and easy to use. Some might be tempted to add fun as an adjective, but for someone struggling with memory issues, that term probably does not apply.

The Nokia 3210 is just one of many recently re-launched Nokia models. It comes with a color screen, 4G connectivity, Bluetooth support, and dual-SIM capabilities. It literally has battery life that lasts for 96 hours = 4 days. It comes in several bright colours, although the only one that attracted me was yellow.

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Doro is a Swedish phone maker that specializes in elderly friendly phones. Some of these phones could also appeal to minimalists, and those who want a rugged phone. They do not have children as a primary market. The Doro 780X is for people with reduced cognitive capabilities. It emphasizes the safety/ wellbeing of the user.

Outgoing calls are restricted to three people (or fewer), with three large keys with name labels. This avoids a need to navigate menus. It is possible to receive SMS, but not to send any. It comes with a safety timer and an assistance button for sending an alarm with GPS position. It is IP 54, which means it is water-resistant.

The selection of a Doro 780X will probably not be made by the intended user, but by a close relative or someone else, with the goal of ensuring that the user has as good a life as possible, despite cognitive decline.


This section will be short, because neither Trish nor I are users of tablets. For us, they are a mismatch. We want to type on a keyboard, and while we have a Logitech M480 keyboard that is designed to hold both phones and tablets while typing, we would prefer to use either a laptop or desktop machine. There are lots of tablet computers in the market, ranging from generic, inexpensive devices to more advanced Android, Windows, Linux and Apple supported models. Many people will want a machine that matches one of their operating systems. Thus, for us the choice would be between something Android or Linux powered.

The advice here is to talk to someone who has a tablet, remembering that people become devoted to their particular tribe, which here refers to the particular operating system in use. So, if you are a dedicated Apple user, talking to someone with an Android machine may not provide you with much relevant information.


A concern: Because of our experiences with our Pocophones, we decided against buying any Chinese computers. Recently, the Norwegian Project Lion Cage, has received attention. Members of the project group have thoroughly examined how a Chinese made NIO electric car communicates, especially what kind of data it collects and where it sends it. There is a lot of data traffic between the car and China, but also with the USA, Canada, Russia and Australia. The communication continues, even when the vehicle is parked.

The main concern here is that China could disable EVs as well as computers and other types of equipment, as part of a hybrid war. My concerns are not just with China. Hybrid warfare is relatively cheap, and does not set the lives of perpetrators in danger. Anyone can do it. That includes corporations as well as governments.

With the return to the office, there there has been decreased demand for laptop and desktop equipment, so there has not been the same price increases. Both types of equipment can be fitted with the same software. With Linux, Cinnamon is a comfortable desktop environment, that ranks not just warm, but also sunny. Countless articles have commented on the similarity between Cinnamon and Window XP. All my laptop and desktop machines are equipped with it, and the latest Firefox web-browser, and software that comes standard with Linux Mint.

In 2025-10, Windows 10 will no longer be supported, although there are possibilities for a one year extension of the deadline. Users are asked to transition to Windows 11. Unfortunately, Windows 11 does not support all devices capable of using Windows 10, so a large proportion of these users will have to either buy new hardware, or migrate to a new operating system, such as Linux Mint.

Buying computer equipment

The acquisition of computer equipment faces three major challenges. First, equipment (hardware as well as software) is continuously evolving. Yet, while computing power has increased significantly over the past years, changes are more evolutionary than before. Today, there is a greater emphasis on power per watt, than on raw processing power. This applies to personal machines, as well as servers.

While hand-held devices (especially smartphones, less so tablets) have become more dominant, there is still a need for personal computers – laptops as well as desktop machines. Servers may be hidden in a cloud, or in an attic/ basement/ closet, but they too are performing more work.

Keyboards and mice are the most important input devices, as they have been since 1984, when they replaced punch-card readers. The screen is the most important output device. It has become thinner, with improved resolution. Broadband, and other forms of communication, increasingly allow large quantities of data to move throughout cyberspace.

Second, people continuously age. This may be seem as something positive in a fifteen year old looking forward to being twenty. It may even be regarded as inevitable by a seventy-five year old contemplating eighty.

Younger people should receive a critical education that allows them to appreciate the value technology brings, but to be wary of its detrimental aspects. Technology is not benign. Gaming is a particularly difficult challenge, because many youth become addicted to it. Thus, it may be necessary to restrict computer access to ensure that people get enough sleep, perhaps by disconnecting WiFi and/ or wired internet access, say from 22:00 or 23:00 to 06:00 or 07:00, respectively.

Older youth could be encouraged to use computers productively for the benefit of themselves and their family. For those approaching midlife, there is a continual need to adapt, and to learn new technological skills. Society should be concerned when thirty/ forty/ fifty/ sixty-five year olds give up on acquiring/ developing new computing skills, while the world/ computer hardware/ computer software moves onwards. It is important to keep abreast of rising trends, but not to be a slave to them. One particularly damaging trend is for employers to make sideways investments in software. The expectation is that these new programs will add capabilities. However, they often end up doing the same thing, just in a slightly different way, that requires old skills to be relearned. This can be very discouraging.

Adaptability also applies to older people, but in a slightly different way. They have to think about impairments (current and potential). They also have to think long term! They may want to keep equipment longer than younger people, who are more adept at handling change. Older people may prefer to make an evolutionary transition to something a little different, rather than a radical change to something totally new.

Third, prices change erratically, so that what seems inaccessible one day, becomes affordable the next – and vice versa. Price is one of the major determinants of what people buy.

Erratic pricing

Almost every computer equipment purchaser wants to be portrayed as astute. Everywhere, there are hypothetical bargains that save money! The truth of the matter is that many purchasers are undisciplined, and exceed their budgets. This writer is no exception. At the beginning of 2020 the equipment budget for the reserve/ lab/ electronics/ podcasting computer system was NOK 10 000: computer = 4 000, screen = 2 000, other peripherals = 3 000, miscellaneous = 1 000.


Mini PCs typically have a lower price than a laptop with similar basic hardware. That is because many components are not included: display/ monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers and battery. Yet, if these components are not available, they will have to be purchased. This may make the total price even higher with a mini PC.


Laptops have constraints relating to size and mass. In addition, laptops can have air flow/ cooling challenges. Laptops have to balance heat management with performance. Mini PCs largely avoid these issues, with a greater freedom so select appropriate components. They can offer more effective cooling, obtaining better performance.


Since mini PCs are not portable, they are not usually equipped with batteries. Admittedly, this could be a problem during a power outage, but a power outage could also disrupt net connections. Battery charging and discharging produces extra heat that can harm other internal components. Batteries also have a limited lifespan. Once again, this means that mini PCs last longer.


Laptops are in a perpetual battle with themselves, in terms of weight of components. They seldom have sufficient internal space for upgrades. They typically come with a single M.2 slot with no room for an extra drive. Their RAM modules are soldered in place. This means that memory (perhaps the entire machine) has to be replaced rather than upgraded. In constrast, Mini PCs often have an M.2 slot, a 2.5-inch SATA slot and two SO-DIMM slots. So, if it comes with an M.2 drive, it can be upgraded with an extra SATA drive. RAM modules can be upgraded beyond the initial configuration.


Because laptops have grown slimmer, ports and connectivity have been sacrificed. My Acer Swift 3 has two USB-A ports, one USB-C port, one headset jack and an HDMI port, as well as an outdated power port. High-end laptops rely on hubs and docks. My Asus PN-50 offers: 2 x DDR4 SO-DIMM, Max. 32GB x 2, 1 x SATA SSD port, 1 x M.2 2280 SSD port, 1 x USB-C, 2 x USB-A, 1x 4-in-1 Card Reader, 1 x Infrared Sensor, 2 x Microphone Array, 1x Audio Jack, 1 x HDMI, 1 x Display Port.

Laptop vs mini PC

Laptops have become the default option for people buying a new computer. In addition to the hidden components such as CPU memory and storage, some users prefer to add peripheries: a screen, a keyboard, a trackpad, speakers and a webcam.

Currently both Trish and Brock own one laptop and one mini PC, each. We currently both use Acer Swift 3 laptops. These are two years old (purchased: 2022-11-12). Theoretically, they are identical. However, there is quite a discrepancy between the two. For once, the one assigned to me is working better than the one assigned to Trish. This is a novel situation. Both have been upgraded to use USB-C power supplies, instead of the two very different power jacks they came with. I am suggesting to Trish that she may want to replace her laptop possibly with an Asus Zenbook 14 UX3402 with an Intel i5 processor, 16 GB of RAM, 512 GB of disk space, and a 14″ screen. It is in Ponder Blue. It was purchased to use as a dedicated Windows machine on 2023-10-31. So it is in our household already.

If a laptop is going to be placed on a desk with an external monitor, keyboard, rodent = a pointing device, most commonly a mouse and headset, one should probably consider a mini PC instead. These may offer several benefits, in part because they don’t have to be excessively thin!

Graphic Processing Units

Neither Trish nor I are gamers, and our computers reflect the fact that they will not be used for power/ data intensive tasks. We have no need to buy a computer that handles anything beyond office tasks, although I threaten to use one to work with both audio and video. So gamers, videographers and others with more demanding needs, should probably seek advice about computers elsewhere.

I have consulted with my son Alasdair, a gamer. He says that he is only interested in AMD and Nvidea graphic cards. Gamers usually choose an AMD or Nvidia graphic processing unit (GPU) for their rigs. Only to a limited degree are Intel Arcs relevant. Nvidia is often regarded as being in the lead, technically. They are almost always regarded as the price setters, while AMD is more of a price follower. In terms of market evaluation, Nvidia is worth roughly three times as much as AMD, despite a large proportion of AMD’s resources being devoted to CPU production.

Faster GPUs allow game developers to create more detailed/ complex worlds. Not every gamer or videographer needs to have the fastest or most power-efficient or cheapest GPU. Some GPUs are for smaller (read: 1080p or 1440p) screens, while others are import for 4K. Not every gamer wants to afford a GPU with top specifications.

Most gamers are content to use GPUs designed for the mainstream market. Some will even allow themselves to use budget GPUs. In most cases it is better to buy an older, potentially used, high specification GPU from some enthusiast upgrading to something even better. Most of the time it is inappropriate to show too much brand loyalty. When I read about GPUs, journalists rank Nvidia higher for 4K and ray tracing performance, AMD is better for 1080p and 1440p gaming. In terms of GPU power efficiency was in favor of Nvidia, until the Big Navi model improved AMD’s efficiency. Much of the efficiency is related to chip processes. TSMC’s 7nm FinFET process with a new architecture, delivered 50% better performance per watt. The net result is that AMD and Nvidea are close to tied.

Most of the features supported by AMD and Nvidia are similar, but their implementations vary. Many experts claim Nvidia’s implementations are generally superior but cost more. Nvidia is better for video encoding and decoding. It appears that newer drivers from both companies fix related problems. There are separate studio drivers for content creators.

One difference between AMD and Nvidia drivers is that Nvidia has two separate user interfaces. The Nvidia Control Panel handles things like resolutions and certain graphics settings. GeForce Experience is for game optimizations, driver updates and extra features. AMD offers a unified driver approach.

In terms of GPU pricing, many contend that AMD offers the best value, with equivalent Nvidia GPUs costing 15–25% more. Most experts end up with meaningless advice that the choice of a GPU boils done to personal preference rather than hard numbers. My observation is that people buy a GPU that meets their need to the degree that it is possible, but within a specified budget.

Laptop machines

After Alasdair had purchased an AMD Ryzen-5 powered Asus VivoBook 15, and expressed his satisfaction with it, I replaced a Acer ChromeBook 11 with an AMD Ryzen-3 powered VivoBook 14 laptop, on 2019-09-25. This was then equipped with software as identical as possible to that found on my older Intel Core-5 powered Asus VivoMini VC-65 desktop.

Unfortunately, the Asus laptop was also equipped with an ANSI keyboard. I regretted it almost immediately. Living with this problem for three years, I concluded that it is best for me to stick with one type of keyboard: ISO with a Nordic layout. It allows me to write English and Norwegian equally well.

People experience varying degrees of difficulty transitioning between ANSI and ISO keyboards. Trish, for example, has almost no difficulty, and I suspect that she would be hard pressed to identify the distinguishing characteristics of both types. Unfortunately, many manufacturers, including Asus, are now offering only ANSI keyboards on their laptops. Because of this, our latest laptop replacements were Acer Swift 3 machines, with Ryzen processors. These machines are similar to Trish’s Asus Zenbook UX305CA that cost NOK 6 000 in 2016, but with upgraded specifications.

We expected to pay about NOK 12 000, possibly more, for a laptop, but bought Acer Swift 3 machines, with a Ryzen 7 processor, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB storage, 14″ screen and aluminum chassis for on sale for NOK 7 500 each, but with a claimed normal price of NOK 10 000. The major difference between an initially envisioned machine, and that purchased, is that we have an inferior ISP screen, rather than a preferred OLED. We can live with the difference, especially given the price saving.

While we had intended to have a dual-boot system with Windows 11, this approach didn’t work. We installed a ZFS file system, eliminating Windows, and installed Linux Mint 21, with the Cinnamon desktop. It is a system that should feel comfortable for anyone used to Windows XP/ 7/ 10.

Despite both machines being bought the same day, from the same supplier, they were different. Since I was installing the new operating system, I assigned the one for Trish (with her user name and password) to the machine with the better barrel jack charger. Yes, they were different. Unfortunately, the best charger did not belong to the best machine, and later experience showed that Trish’s machine has had more issues than the one I assigned to myself.

One of the first things we did was to acquire new chargers that allowed charging through USB-C and USB-A ports. Thus, the same charger can be used for charging of hand-held devices (telephones/ tablets), hearing aids and laptop computers. Multiple devices can be charged at the same time. These charges use gallium nitride (GaN), a material that conducts electricity more efficiently and doesn’t get as hot as silicon. This means USB-C chargers can be built smaller, lighter and with more power. In Europe, USB-C has been mandated as the charging port standard for phones, tablets and laptops. Chargers are no longer included with device purchases, to eliminate electrical waste.

Desktop machines

A Raspberry Pi 400 computer-in-keyboard. The keyboard is ISO, and it is available for a number of different languages. The two white wires connect to a power supply and a screen. The use of green nail polish is optional. Photo: Raspberry Pi.

Minimal Solutions

For some, a Raspberry Pi (RPi) 400 computer-in-keyboard may be the minimal computing solution they need. The keyboard is ISO, and it is available for a number of different languages. The two white wires in the above photo, connect it to a power supply and a screen. The red wire connects a mouse to it.

A RPi 400 costs about NOK 1 400, and can use any existing screen. Unfortunately, it is not really suitable for someone dependent on ergonomic peripherals.

There are a variety of Linux distros available for it, however Raspberry Pi OS is the official operating system. It is based on Debian Linux and optimized to run smoothly on the Pi hardware. Raspberry Pi OS comes in 3 versions: 1) Raspberry Pi OS with desktop – The recommended distro for most RPi users. It comes pre-installed with essential software like the Chromium browser and Python programming tools. 2) RPi OS Lite – A minimal image without a GUI. Useful for advanced users. 3) RPi OS with desktop and recommended software, an enhanced version with additional software. This is usually the one to be used with the RPi 400.

Propaganda from the RPi foundation about RPi OS are: Very lightweight and fast. Uses only 200-300 MB RAM on boot; Excellent hardware support with stable performance on all Pi models; Active development and updates from the RPi Foundation; Beginner-friendly with a desktop optimized for RPi, includes utility apps like a RPi Configurator. Large repository of software available; Easy to install tools; Preconfigured for Python development.

RPi OS is compatible with all versions of the Pi board, including the latest Pi 4 and 400. It runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. The minimum SD card size is 8GB, but 16GB is recommended especially for the desktop versions. SD = Secure Digital, a proprietary, non-volatile, flash memory card format for use in portable devices.


Today, numerous sites were announcing a new Raspberry Pi 500, released 2024-12-09, an updated version of the 400.

As shown in the above photo, the RPi 500 comes with an optional monitor! In USA, the Pi 500 keyboard computer costs $90, probably about NOK 1 400 delivered to Norway. A version with power supply, mouse and cables costs $120, ca. NOK 1 800 while the 15.6″ Pi Monitor costs $100, probably about NOK 1 500. However, this cannot be regarded as a complete package. There is no satisfactory storage!

The Pi 500 contains some features for a built-in M.2 slot, but there is no point in attempting to add a socket. Extensive work is needed to allow it to function. There are also empty pads obviously meant for Power over Ethernet (PoE) circuits.

Some journalists who have received versions on the condition of embargoes for articles, have prophecized a Pi 500 Pro/ Max/ Ultra version with Power over Ethernet (PoE) and Non-Volatile Memory Host Controller (NVMe) interface specification, an open, logical-device interface specification for accessing a computer’s non-volatile storage media.

The Pi 500 also increased in price to $90 from $70 for the Pi 400. Benefits include 2-3x faster speeds for nearly every feature, RAM doubling from 4 GB to 8 GB, the addition of a 32GB A2 microSD card.

Why haven’t PoE and M.2 circuits been shipped on the Pi 500 now? The RPi foundation has said that features such as PoE and M.2 are designed into the 500 to provide printed circuit board flexibility, so it can be reused in other contexts.

Much of the value of a keyboard involves its layout and feel. Both are ultimately subjective, but the general opinion is that the RPi 500 is serviceable, better than the RPi 400 keyboard, but still feels cheap. While the unit is not bad value, it is not exceptionally good value either. MicroSD cards, for example, involve a technology that are outdated, for their intended use.

Ports are always important on computing devices. The USB ports on the RPi 500 have independent USB 3.0 buses, instead of a shared 5 Gbps of bandwidth on the RPi 400.

Other features include a new dedicated power key, in the top right corner. A long press forces a shutdown. There is also a LED that is green when the machine is on, and red when it is off.

Thermally, the RPi 500 uses a large heatsink. It is claimed that temperatures are consistently 6-8°C warmer on PCB, but that the keys are not noticeably warmer. Commenting more generally, some machines are not particularly good at using their heatsink capabilities. They create hot spots. Others spread the heat more evenly.

The overclocking limit appears to be 2.8 GHz, exasperating some users who want to have 3.0 GHz overclocking. For that, heatsinks can’t keep up, but require some form of custom active cooling and/ or improved ventilation.

Should older people choose a RPi 500? My opinion is to give it a miss. The section below discusses used equipment. A used mini desktop computers can be purchased cheaply, as can used larger (27″) screens. These could be a more appropriate option.

End of update

There are many used computers available at low price, or even given away free of charge, that can be used for people just needing a computer. The same can be said about screens and rodents. I do not sell my old computers. I find someone in need to give them to. I encourage others with excessive equipment to do the same.

While I use a laptop computer most days, I would describe myself as a desktop user, with a focus on mini-PC machines. Currently, I regard 100 x 100 x 50 mm = 0.5 litre, the ideal size for a cabinet, in addition to an external power supply. I cannot imagine that this size can be reduced much further for three reasons: 1) space is needed internally for processors, RAM and storage; 2) heatsinks are needed to keep components cool; 3) ports are needed to attach peripherals that include monitors, keyboards and rodents.

Ergonomic is the one word that describes my computer preferences. I want each sub-component of a computer to meet my specific needs. First, the machine has to be quiet, ideally silent, which means that it should not be equipped with fans. This generally means that it should not use excessive amounts of heat-producing electricity. I have no objection to the use of heat-sinks. Second, an ISO Nordic keyboard should be available. Put another way, I refuse to use ANSI keyboards.

When I started to write this update, Martha was my desktop machine, an Asus VivoMini VC65-G068Z, with an Intel i5 6400T processor running at 2.2 GHz, 8 GB of RAM, a 128 GB SSD (for the operating system) and a 1 TB Hard Disk Drive (for everything else) plus a DVD drive. It was purchased 2017-05-08, and cost NOK 6 468. At the end of 2022, it has exceeded its expected five-year lifespan, by seven months, and counting. Its amortized capital costs was under NOK 100/ US$ 10 per month, and falling. It has now lasted longer than my previous machine, Arthur’s, seven years, which would have been until 2024-04-28. but not in this role. Thus Martha’s amortized capital costs will be even less than Arthur’s.

Martha had one major failing, she overheats. For years this was overlooked because of one redeeming quality, her DVD-drive. This feature was seldom used, but could be important. I then discovered that this feature could be used elsewhere. On or about 2023-11-30, Martha was moved down to the server.


An Asus PN50 became my desktop machine. It had been purchased over three years before on 2020-08-14 for NOK 4 300. It used a Ryzen 7 4700U 2 GHz processor, a hard drive (Samsung EVO 970 Plus M.2 500 GB = NOK 1 200) and RAM (G Skill Ripjaws4 16 GB = NOK 800). This puts the price at NOK 6 400. It was purchased because it was inexpensive, relative to performance. A month after the purchase, the PN50̈́’s barebone price has increased to NOK 5 900. However, the Samsung SSD is now only NOK 1 000, while the G Skill RAM is the same price, NOK 800, for a total of NOK 7 700, over 90% above the initial budget. Given these prices, a less powerful machine would have been chosen.

In addition it uses an AOC Q27P2Q 27″ skjerm med QHD IPS 2560 x 1440 pixels in 16:9 format, and has inherited a Logitech K860 keyboard, and a Vertical mouse.

The basic machine is a barebone computer. Wikipedia defines barebone as, “a partially assembled platform or an unassembled kit of computer parts allowing more customization and lower costs than a retail computer system.” I had contemplated many different models, but decided that I did not want to learn the quirks of something new and different. It is hard enough keeping up with those in the Asus family. The machine had a sufficiently powerful processor, for my purposes, making it useful and durable. It is fanless, making it silent, useful when working with audio. It was relatively cheap, especially compared with the price of machines after the pandemic.

The name Eerie comes from the Children’s science fiction series in 19 episodes shown in 1992-3.


On 2020-12-07, I purchased a used Asus All-in-One Pro computer, for NOK 2 500. It is a computer inside a screen. This will make a better reserve machine than a mini-computer, because it has a monitor attached.

Eureka is also intended to be used as a lab Guinea pig, possibly for podcast recording and/ or video editing. In the future, it will also be programmed as a soft-synth.

Normally, a retired computer acts as a reserve, if something should go wrong with an active computer. Towards the end of 2019, the only potential reserve machine had been given away. Thus, throughout most of 2020, I contemplated the purchase of a reserve system, one that could be used by anyone living at or visiting Cliff Cottage.

While for many years I contemplated buying a second, but used, Asus Zenbook UX305C, identical to one in active use by Trish at Cliff Cottage. Then, the original machine retired, and by default we ended up with a reserve machine. Unfortunately, it dates from 2016 and is antequated. It is kept for sentimental reasons. Instead, I purchased an Asus A-i-O (all-in-one) machine, that was originally intended for placement in the kitchen. This idea has been rejected, so it has become by default a reserve machine.

Eureka is named after the family science fiction series in 77 episodes shown between 2006 and 2012, made in Burnaby, Chilliwack and Ladysmith, British Columbia.

The ultimate fate of Eureka may involve its use as a control unit for a CNC milling machine, current stored in the workshop. The CNC milling machine will probably be given to Alasdair to use along with Eureka.


At Cliff Cottage broadband now costs about NOK 830 per month, while our two telephone subscriptions cost about NOK 100 per month each. Buzz, the car, demands NOK 300 for his subscription. The web-related subscriptions cost NOK 2 800 per year. This amounts to NOK 18 760 or NOK 15 160 respectively with/ without a vehicle in 2024. This contrasts with NOK 11 700 a year, in 2020, when there was no vehicle subscription.

Tribal affiliation

There are many different computing tribes, which is often related to a primary activity, or an operating system. Many young people belong to the Gamer tribe. These are usually younger people who need powerful devices. Just because someone has played a few computer games does not make them a gamer. Others, may have less demanding requirements largely involving surfing the internet. Their equipment does not have to be very sophisticated, they typically divide themselves into Android/ Windows and Apple tribes.

Yes, there are gamers who do have their distinct requirements, usually specified in terms of graphics and latency (time delay), and other explicit requests. There are some/ many Macintosh users, who answer Apple, even before any question is asked. Then there is a category called most people, who simply accept whatever machine and operating system combination some salesperson/ website is promoting that day – Chrome OS on inexpensive, Windows on mid-range and Surface on more exclusive machines. Linux? Well, that takes effort.

In addition to backup files on the Mothership server (named after the Supercell Thunderstorm cloud) copies are stored on assorted external drives. We have had a harddrive on the server fail, due to overheading. It was a Toshiba N-300 10TB drive. We have also had an external harddrive fail, for the first time. It was a Seagate Backup Plus 4 TB unit purchased, 2016-11-22, but despite its age, it had been used minimally.

Part of the challenge of thriving with a computer is a function of one’s age. The first time I heard that voice control would replace keyboards was probably around 1978. It would take five years, an expert had suggested, 1983. Since I first heard about it forty-six years have passed, and still I buy keyboards. I now expect to use a keyboard as my primary input device for the duration of my life.

Network Attached Storage (NAS) Server

Servers are a specialty type of computer used to store large amounts of data. Private individuals may want to purchase dedicated units made by Asustor, QNAP, Synology, TrueNAS, Western Digital and others. Some people may want to build their own units from components and store them either in a tower = an upright, standalone cabinet, or a rack = a 19″ wide unit, typically used in data centres. Both of the last two types offer easier cooling. The tower, especially because it offers relatively low component density. If necessary, both types allow components from multiple vendors to be used.

We have owned two different NAS servers. On 2016-02-25, we purchased our first server, Cascade, an Asustor AS1004ST with 4 x 6TB WD HDDs = 24 TB, to gain some experience with servers. At some point in 2018, Alasdair decided I needed something better. In 2018-12, I purchased some used rack equipment that he could play with. This became known as Mothership. On 2018-12-27, I ordered 4 x 10TB Toshiba N-300 HDDs = 40 TB, that was increased to 12 x 10TB = 120 TBs, on 2022-01-03, before thermal (read: heating) issues resulting in it being reduced to 8 x 10 TB = 80 TB of storage space. Because data is duplicated on the server, it can never store more than 40 TB. At the beginning of 2023, it was decided that this rack equipment needed replacement. The new server, officially Asperitas, but most often stilled called Mothership, was installed 2023-05-17.

At Cliff Cottage, we use have a rack, which is fitted with 8 x 10 TB Toshiba N-300 hard disk drives. These provide 80 TB of storage space. Undoubtedly eight disks could also fit in a tower. Yet, someone building a new server would probably want to use larger disks. It is cheaper to buy 5 x 16 TB disks, for the same amount of storage. Other models to consider are Seagate Ironwolf, and Western Digital Red.

In addition to backup files on the Mothership server, copies of data were stored on two external drives. These were initially stored at a friend’s house. When we started renting additional storage space about 20 km from Cliff Cottage, we used it to keep a copy of our data.

We have only experienced one disk failure using external drives. It was a Seagate Backup Plus 4 TB unit purchased, 2016-11-22. It had been used minimally. It failed in 2017.

Asperitas takes up more real estate in the rack, but that has never been a problem, because there is still lots of space. In the near future, my plan is to invest in a second server to be located 650 kilometers away at my son’s house, where it can become a duplicator. This large physical distance is to ensure that both servers are not killed in the same electrical storm, which is the most common cause of sudden server death. Once a day, the duplicator will automatically backup new content. This type of system can work in both directions.

Part of the challenge of thriving with a computer is a function of one’s age. The first time I heard that voice control would replace keyboards was probably around 1978. It would take five years to become mainstream, an expert had suggested, 1983. Since then, thirty-six years have passed, and still I use keyboards. I now expect to use a keyboard as my primary input device for the duration of my life.

Broken Peach

Broken Peach, performing Tainted Love. Screenshot from the 2021YouTube video.

I enjoy limited quantities of the music produced by Broken Peach, a Spanish rock & soul band founded in Vigo in 2009. It consists of three men, and four women. The main reason for my appreciation is that they produce a Halloween and a Christmas special every year. YouTube appears to be their most important distribution channel.

Music is much like food. One appreciates some variation, but there are certain variants that are staples, while others are treats. I enjoy lemon pudding up to several times a year, but would prefer not to eat it on a daily basis. Some treats are seasonal, like Christmas pudding. Fortunately, it is not readily available in Norway, so I have not been subjected to it for the past forty years. In my childhood, the only way I was able to eat it, is to mix it with hard sauce, which is sugar by another name. So treats, for various reasons, can be too much of a good thing. Yet, I eat bread, almost every day.

I know several people (in Norway) who comment that November is the worst month of the year. It is so dark, without redeeming features. For us, at almost 64° latitude, it means finding and installing additional lights so that one can transform this darkness into light, preserving some degree of sanity. This dark season does not start until autumn is out of the way. Thanksgiving is part of autumn, officially celebrated on the second Monday in October in Canada, since 1957, originally in 1578 when English explorer Martin Frobisher and his crew held a special meal to thank God for granting them safe passage through northern North America into what is today the Canadian Territory of Nunavut.

Americans have other traditions. Many put Halloween (yyyy-10-31) and Remembrance day (yyyy-11-11) in the autumn category. Then comes Thanksgiving, the 4th Thursday in November, since 1941. For me, all of these are part of that dark season that some refer to as winter. I am uncertain when Spring begins, but I would want to include Valentine’s day (yyyy-02-14).

The above dates clash with the more official meteorological season start dates. These are based on the 12-month civil calendar and the annual temperature cycle. The key dates are the beginning of the month in March = Spring; June = Summer; September = Autumn; December = Winter. Another approach is to use the astronomical start dates, based on the position of the Sun in relation to the Earth. Here the dates can vary, but typically are March 19, June 20, September 22 and December 21. In the northern hemisphere, the darkest day of the year falls on the winter solstice, and it is important to have additional light centred around that date.

Note: I have never understood why the astronomical and meteorological dates cannot be coordinated. If one forgot to add leap years for 11 cycles = 44 years, the two dates would be reconciled, and the winter solstice would be at the start of the new year. The next leap year is in 2028. With it as the first of eleven cycles into the future, one would have coordinaed astronomical and meterological dates for the first time in 2072. Other calendars manage something appropriate. For example, the Baha’i calendar manages to start its year at the spring equinox as measured in Tehran, Iran.

Another factor has to do with latitude. On the winter solstice at Cliff Cottage, sunrise is about 10:23 while sunset is about 14:44 giving 04h20m of daylight. In contrast, in Vigo, Spain, there are 9h08m of daylight on the winter solstice.

The point here is that Broken Peach produces specials, that make the dark season survivable. The last Christmas special (2023-12-17) was Sleigh Ride. YouTube tells us it “is a light orchestra standard composed by Leroy Anderson. The composer had formed the original idea for the piece during a heat wave in July 1946, and he finished the work in February 1948. Its first performance was by the Boston Pops, Arthur Fiedler conducting, on June 7, 1948. The Ronettes recorded a cover of “Sleigh Ride” in 1963 for Phil Spector’s A Christmas Gift for You, which was commercially successful in the United States and featured in various media. The song has since been associated with the Christmas and holiday season.”

I limit my listening to Broken Peach to the period between the end of October and the beginning of January. After that, it is time to put them away for another year.

Would I want to attend a Broken Peach concert? The answer is no, not because I have anything against Broken Peach, but because I do not enjoy concerts. I enjoy listening to music in solitude, especially after my better half, a far better musician with a better understanding of music, developed a hearing disability, that prevents her from enjoying music at all.

One of the main reasons for listening to music using digital media, is that each individual can adjust his/ her sound, to suit/ match their hearing characteristics (within limits), and their mood. Concerts do not offer this luxury, and in my limited experience often pump out music at excessive decibel levels. These are far above what they should be, for people to be able to retain their hearing into old age, and add nothing to the musical experience.

Some music is, by its very nature, seasonal. Christmas music, even in societies in Europe and North America, where large numbers of people are irreligious, is the prime example. People listen to both secular and religious Christmas music according to some built in religious calendar, that lasts from Advent through the thirteen days of Christmas, ending – at most – close to the beginning of January.

Broken Peach claim to give a personal sound to each of the songs they perform, including some mashups. I find that an interesting choice of words, and not something I would say. I would substitute individual for personal. Yet, in this case, I may be the one who has an imperfect appreciation of the situation every band finds itself in. Each musician sings or performs using their own personal characteristics. This means that a group, much like an individual, has its own personality.

One of the reasons I don’t listen to symphony orchestras is that they lack personality. At times, a conductor will attempt to control this monster/ beast/ behemoth. My preferred term is leviathan, referring to the philosophical work (1651) by Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) dealing with the political organization of society. In the end, a large orchestra show itself to be amorphous. For me, it is too large, and unfit for purpose.

Even when I am listening to classical music, I prefer smaller groups than a large orchestra. Ensemble is a generic terms for a musical group of indeterminate size. In general I prefer them to be octets (8 performers) or smaller. Chamber orchestras vary from 12 to 40; symphony orchestras can have up to 100 members. Broken Peach is a septet. It is a popular size for a jazz ensembles, since it allows for a wide variety of different instruments.

Yet, I am unsure of the voicing of Broken Peach. It seems fake. I am amazed that two guitars and a drum can produce all of the instrumental sounds an audience is exposed to. At the same time, having four singers seems like overkill.

One of Broken Peach’s best assets is their extravagant aesthetic/ costuming, which gives a visual freshness when one listens to them. Their version of Tainted Love appeared on 2021-10-21 as a Halloween special. It is very different from other version of the song that I have heard, although I find the aesthetics similar to that of Smashing Pumpkins. Their costumes add to the appeal of the song. Your kW usage may vary.

Another positive feature of Broken Peach that I appreciate, is that they don’t take themselves too seriously. They seem to be having fun, while making music. Listeners could follow their advice, and have fun listening to it. The track presented is mini-theatre, more than a mini-concert.

Visiting their website, Broken Peach write: Welcome to Brokenland! This was unexpected. No, I had not felt they should be welcoming me to Peachland. I had expected some promotional propaganda about their music. When I think of the adjective broken, it is less about something that is fragmented, and more about something damaged. It is something less than perfect.

The word smashing, as in Smashing Pumpkins, is much more interesting. Just restricting its use to that of an adjective, it can imply that those pumpkins are destroying/ wrecking something. Yet, my preferred meaning is that those musical pumpkins are magnificent.

Peachland vs Brokenland

A Welcome to Peachland (British Columbia) sign on highway 97. Photo: Extemporalist, 2015-03-22.

… and now for two diversions: Peachland, followed by Broken Land.

According to Wikipedia, there are two Peachlands in the world, a district municipality near Kelowna, in British Columbia, and a much smaller village in North Carolina. I have some experience of the location in Canada, with my mother, Jennie (1916 – 2021) having lived her formative years in Kelowna, in the middle of the east bank of Okanagan Lake. I spent most of my summers to the east of Kelowna in Okanagan Mission, until the age of 16. Peachland, built on a northern slope where Okanagan Lake is at its widest, south of Kelowna, on the west bank of the lake. It is 1.5°C warmer than Kelowna in winter, and the same cooler in summer. Whenever I think of Peachland, I think of Rattlesnake Island, home of the lake monster Ogopogo, who lives there in a cave. It is now part of the 110 km2 Okanagan Mountain Provincial Park.

A sculpture of Ogopogo, in a Kelowna park. Photo: Hamdog, 2006-01-27.

According to the same source, Broken Land refers to a song by Northern Irish band the Adventures, released on 1988-03-14, as the first single from their second album The Sea of Love. For me this album is interesting, because it has twenty nine different names listed as contributors, excluding producers Pete Smith and Garry Bell. Pat Gribben wrote Broken Land, and all of the other tracks on the album. It is not a track that I would want to listen to more than once. No, not because it is jarring, but for precisely the opposite reason. It attempts to be musically perfect, but ends up bland, tedious, boring, uninspired and sterile.

I would encourage those who appreciate the spirit of Halloween and/ or the Spirit of Christmas, to enjoy the music of Broken Peach as a seasonal treat!

Maggie was right

Margaret Thatcher and Katherine Hamnett in 1984-02. Yes, this is my favourite photograph of Maggie.

“There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families.” Margaret Thatcher (1925–2013), quoted in, Women’s Own (1987-10-31). Yet, Maggie could be charming, as shown in the above photograph from 1984, with Katharine Eleanor Hamnett (née Appleton; 1947 – ), an activist and English fashion designer best known for her political T-shirts, such as the one she is wearing criticizing American Pershing missiles in Britain. She was invited to a reception at #10 Downing Street, London, after being selected as fashion designer of the year, 1984. Hamnett was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2011 New Year Honours, for services to the fashion industry. Then, on 2024-02-20, Hamnett publicly relinquished her CBE distinction in protest against the UK government’s support for Israel’s war in Gaza. Wearing an all-caps t-shirt reading “DISGUSTED TO BE BRITISH” she said she was against Britain’s role in the Gaza genocide before disposing of her distinction in a rubbish bin/ trash can/ garbage can.

I have journeyed by train in England, for the last time.

On British trains we encounted the phrase See It, Say It, Sort It, numerous times in the course of every journey. The details of this phrase will remain vague for some paragraphs, as I attempt to show how I am interpreting it, to gain greater control over my life, as it is forced to interact with rail corporations intent on profiting from me.

On Wednesday 2024-07-31, I was a passenger in coach 1 of a 12 car train from Stratford station in London to Gatwick airport. My estimate is that there are a minimum of 100 people aboard each car, or somewhere between 1 200 and 1 500 people in total. I am not sure what train it was because while numerous audio and video announcements are made including a listing of all of the stops the train will make, the train itself was not uniquely identified. At no time are we told we are on board train, say 12345 running on route 6789. So we are left with a rather vague time we left a particular station (if it is remembered).

I suspect this lack of a unique identification number is policy. It is a deliberate measure to ensure that there is no opportunity for passengers to summon help. Throughout the journey, we are given a coded message: See it, say it, sort it. Passengers are encouraged to speak to staff, or contact transport police. Yet, I interpret the phrase as a fictitious attempt to compensate for the lack of conductors, or any other personnel looking after the needs of passengers. There were no such personnel onboard many of the trains I was on. On some trains personnel came onboard to ensure everyone had a ticket. In other words, these people were solely looking after the needs of the various owners who operate trains, not the needs of passengers.

Incident 1: a woman with a first-class ticket and seating place, arrives in second-class to have a business conversation with someone by phone. While that someone cannot be heard, her voice dominates the soundscape, and we are given intimate, detailed information that should be kept private. After fifteen minutes, at the end of her conversation, she retreats to the privacy of the first class compartment.

Incident 2: a gang of youth enters the compartment and play Detroit rappers at high volume for their own entertainment and, I suspect, to deliberately make the journey less comfortable for the other passengers. A passenger, possibly aged 30, attempted to silence these youth to no avail. He then sat beside me, and said that he now understood his grandfather complaining about the youth.

… and so back again to the meaningless phrase, see it, say it, sort it. Sort it makes no sense. It is the transport police who will decide if and when they will intervene. When the train reached Gatwick and we left the train, there were still no police or staff available to deal with the youth. They simply carried on, undoubtedly disturbing new passengers for the rest of the journey to Brighton.

I have stayed at Travelodge, for the last time.

While every other place we have stayed at during our trip has offered free WiFi connected internet for the duration of our stay, Travelodge offers one half-hour free, or a surcharge for additional 24 hours of connectivity. This is unacceptable. In the future, I will be checking the fine print about internet usage.

Other complaints with Travelodge have to do with their breakfasts. They offered cold scrambled eggs, and lots of sugar and salt. Nutrition, not so much. I was particularly offended by the oranges. At the theoretical level, I have no issues with oranges wanting to reproduce themselves, but prefer to eat seedless oranges. In the offering from Travelodge every fruit sack had a large seed. In addition, the bread was unpleasant to eat. I have no issues with the bread I eat in Norway. Even in New Westminster, Canada, I grew up with a bakery 4 blocks from home, the National System of Baking. In contrast to other brands, it produced nutritious, edible bread.

Travelodge switches from left to right: Hallway light on, bathroom light off, bedroom light on. At Cliff Cottage all light switches act like the one for the bedroom light, on the right.

Then I read in several sources that Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites in Elko, Nevada, is adding two fees all guests must pay, in addition to the standard 15% tax: There’s a $12.95 nightly energy recovery fee and a 3% credit card surcharge. It was noted that credit card surcharges for hotels are incredibly rare, used only by rogue hotels. Then one comment noted that H Hotel near LAX airport has a Safety and Protection of their employees fee, at $10.00 plus $12.95 for each day.

I have flown Westjet, for the last time.

Westjet wants people who prefer to sit together to make an additional payment for this privilege. I am uncertain who they are expecting to put up with this policy, because the major carriers have understood that they cannot act in this way. Budget airlines are in a price squeeze, as they see it. They need the same prices as the majors to survive, because they have the same expenses, but want to appear cheaper. Their solution is to offer a cheap base price, and then to charge for addons customers want, so that the end price is about equal. The Southwestern style of humourous commentary, given by some cabin crew member, does not compensate for disrupting a basic primate need of a troop having to stay together. Westjet, Ryanair and other airlines know this. Those who don’t are encouraged to read Desmond Morris’ (1928 -), The Naked Ape: A Zoologist’s study of the human animal (1967).

Language usage

Yes, I am the sort of person your mother warned you about. I use language for dramatic effect. When I write that I have done something for the last time, there is an unspoken condition that clearly assumes this is the situation, unless something changes! What has to be changed is never mentioned.


My main computer and technical information site, /. = slashdot, has a time-machine. It doesn’t go forward in time, only backwards, and for interesting information, it does not go very far back, probably only to the 1930s at most. Reliable information stops at about 1960. This time, it has gone back 30 years to 1994. What it is able to find is entirely dependent on the organic content, stored inside people’s brains, while it examines significant events and places from the past. They also use a few imitation time machines, relying on ancient texts and videos, augmenting their findings with suppositions and imaginings. These sources are not nearly as reliable because, sometimes, they rely on historians, rather than on people who have experienced something. I have been studying one such report today, from a world I know almost nothing about.

There is a vague time stamp: Early morning. What does that mean? 01:00 or 07:00. I am uncertain. Then there is the next informational component, Sunday. For most people it is the second day in a row off work. Then comes something more tangible 1994, a year. modified with late. That probably means more than a month, but how much more? Three or four months, towards the end of the year. So, most likely October or November. That gives only nine dates, 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 in October, 6, 13, 20, 27 in November. I select the midmost, October 30. I can remember the time period when I learn that on 1994-09-28, The car ferry MS Estonia sinks in the Baltic Sea, killing 852 people. On 1994-10-01, The World Wide Web consortium was founded. Earlier in the year, Power Macintosh computers arrived. Sweden decided to join the European union.

The location comes next: Great Britain, England, London, Fitzrovia. Wikipedia could help: It is an informal area, not an administrative unit, characterised by its mixed-use of residential, business, retail, education and healthcare, with no single activity dominating. The once bohemian area was home to writers such as Virginia Woolf, George Bernard Shaw and Arthur Rimbaud. In 2016, The Sunday Times named it the best place to live in London.

The informant is shuffling. A shuffling gait is a walking pattern that occurs when a person drags their feet. The length of each step is typically shorter than normal. While most people occasionally shuffle—perhaps while catching their balance after tripping or trying to run when their leg muscles are tired—a consistent shuffling gait pattern can signify an underlying health condition. Oh dear, perhaps something related to intoxication.

There is some content supporting the intoxication thesis: “bloodstream still rushing after a long night.” I let in pass, thinking that readers can find their own alternative interpretation. Bagley’s refers to a club in King’s Cross, a massive venue, in an old warehouse, popular, home of Bagley’s nightclub ravers group. A name from a Yorkshire firm which once manufactured glass bottles in the warehouse. It gradually expanded to host five-room dance spectaculars like the Mud Club, Freedom, Pushca and World Dance. Sounds from the 1990s. What does that even mean? People belong to so many tribes, with competing sounds.

The sun comes up, as you come down. Sunrise is about 6:51. Say, 7:00. The second time suggestion is confirmed. Coming down? My mind jumps to, Coming down the Wye (1942), by Robert Gibbings, a text about the river in England and Wales with engravings by the author. I have a copy. The engravings are inspiring. My mind flashes back, coming down means sobering up!

The occupant in the time machine is intimately familiar with central London. The text so far shouts masculine, rather than feminine. His hand is stamped with a party logo. His brain is no longer functioning. It needs some artificial stimulus, coffee.

He finds himself outside a teal blue cafe. Teal is a greenish-blue color. Its name comes from that of a bird—the Eurasian teal (Anas crecca)—which presents a similarly colored stripe on its head. The word is often used colloquially to refer to shades of cyan in general.

The cafe is Cyberia, the world’s first internet cafe.

The story of Cyberia begins with Eva Pascoe (1964 – ), a Polish computing student living in London. Myth has it that she interacted with Tim Berners Lee. She states: “I was very interested in cyberfeminism and wanted to figure out how women could reclaim tech.”

Her European origins emerge: “There were no coffee shops in London. Just greasy spoons and everyone drank tea. I wanted a European-style cafe.”

Pascoe with David Rowe and Keith and Gene Teare launched Cyberia in 1994. They were social hackers: people skilled in information technology who achieves goals by non-standard means. So Hackers-style aesthetics emphasizes something non-standard. I find it difficult to connect with the adjective futuristic, especially with the noun furniture, in such a landscape, cafescape. Yet, I can also appreciate a U-shaped layout allowing visitors could see each other’s screens.

Eva continues: “I wanted women to feel safe, because a lot of the stuff on the net was dodgy.”

In 1994, the computers would be desktops: large, beige and ugly. Three senses are accommodated in Cyberia. Visual: tentacle cables hang from the ceiling. Thirty years later, and animatronics is still for the advanced hacker. Each tentacle segment has two stages, each of which has two degrees of freedom, that allow it to arc in two directions. Combine several segments and the resulting beast can convince almost anyone that it is alive. Sound: Ambient techno reverberates from wall to wall. No, not Tekno, the Nigerian singer. Techno bangers, that impure combination of heavy metal and electronic dance music. Excessive behs. Smell: cigarette smoke fills the air. Yes, this is definitely no later than 1994.

Eva visited an Amish community in Pennsylvania to negotiate the acquisition of the domain name. In London, Cyberia quickly became a hot location. Cyberia opened around 20 cafes worldwide, in addition to: Cyberia Channel (a streaming service), the Cyberia magazine, Cyberia Payments, Cyberia Records, a Cyberia television show and Cybersalon, a think-tank.

Is the inside alien in any way? I am unsure, with club kids, tech heads and game developers describing the more masculine element. Where are the women? Are they in the background ensuring that everything functions as it should? Or, are they in the foreground, avoiding the male gaze, while communicating with their feminist sisters?

We had our own internet cafe, here in Inderøy, starting in 1998. e@ = Ea, local Norwegian slang for the eider duck, found close by in the fjord. Cafes with computers in them are unnecessary now. Everybody has their own portable device, from dumbphone to laptop, with smartphones and tablets as intermediaries. One just needs a place with wireless broadband, and strong black coffee.

Rural areas can be socially advanced. Residents don’t have to spend large portions of their incomes on mortgage or rental payments. One finds it best not to offend more than half of the population.

My wife Trish was on the board of the local Saniteten, the women’s organization primarily concerned about women’s health issues. They gave E@ a dishwasher, so that it could meet public health requirements. Yes, restaurants have to ensure that bacteria are dead when they leave a dishwasher. Washing cycles are longer and at a higher temperature than that found on domestic dish washers.

In addition, we organized an alternative Christmas dinner, for people without a place to go. This continues, but we are no longer active in it.

Our son, Alasdair, was also active as a volunteer, learning how to be of service to others, and gaining other important life skills.

In the year 2024, I am using various online sources to find out how many of the 20 or so Cyberia cafes exist today. Trip Adviser finds one, 524 Shelden Ave, Houghton, MI 49931-2144. That is in northern Michigan, on the peninsula, on the shores of Lake Superior.

Structural Engineering

The cantilevered roof, outside the library at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Photograph: Philippe Giabbanelli, 2007-09-01

Some people study structural engineering to work professionally designing structures. Others, such as myself, are content to remain amateurs, but want to understand how structures function. There are three principles:

  1. Efficiency = calculations of forces/stresses
  2. Economy = cost, but also seen in its social context
  3. Elegance = form/appearance based on engineering principles, not decoration

Two of my favourite online courses involved the art of structural engineering, offered by Princeton University, and presented by Maria Garlock. I completed the first, about bridges in 2016, and the second about vaults = long-span roofs, in 2019. A third, about towers, was announced along with the others in 2016, but has never emerged.

I believe the first time I ever seriously looked at the structure of a modern building, was in the mid 1960s. It was a cantilevered roof, outside the library at Simon Fraser University, It seemed to be a structure that was: endless, simple, appropriate and elegant, in contrast to the brutalism, surrounding it.

Cable-stayed Bridges

Skarnsund Bridge, Inderøy, Norway (Patricia McLellan, 2016-01-02)

When we moved to Inderøy in 1988, preliminary work on Skarnsund bridge had already begun, although work on the bridge itself waited until we moved in. Thus, I had ample opportunity to observe the construction of what would be the cable-stayed bridge (CSB) with the longest main span = 530 m. The bridge was, 1 010 m long.

At about the same time, I was aware of two other CSBs, along the Fraser River in British Columbia. With a bridge length of 2 525 m with a main span length of 465 m, the Alex Fraser Bridge (named for Alex Fraser (1916 – 1989), a former British Columbia Minister of Transportation) was the longest cable-stayed bridge in the world when it opened 1986-09-26, and remained the longest in North America until the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge in South Carolina with a total length of 4 000 m and a main span length of 471 m, opened in 2005.

The SkyBridge between New Westminster and Surrey, was built between 1987 and 1989, it carries trains of the Expo Line of TransLink‘s SkyTrain across the Fraser River. It was much smaller, with a total length of 616 m and a main span length of 340 m.

One of the most significant characteristics to consider when evaluating structures is completion time. CSBs do not require the same levels of anchoring found in alternative designs, such as suspension bridges. A CSB can handle greater forces, allowing the deck to have more resilience against wear and tear because of its greater rigidity. In areas subject to earthquakes, CSBs are noted for their ability to better withstands shaking compared to most other bridge types. They also resist cross-winds better, and maintain its shape better while supporting the heavy loads.

CSBs use less about 30% less labour than other comparable designs. This advantage is one of the main reasons why CSBs are becoming so popular. Spans of different lengths acn be connected together with support pillars or towers to create a bridge of almost any length. The Jiaxing-Shaoxing Sea Bridge is the world’s longest and widest multi-pylon cable-stayed bridge. It is 10.14 km long, and 50 m (8 lanes) wide. Construction started in 2008, and was completed in 2013.

A CSB can be built using many different technologies. The side-spar design is the most common, as it only needs one tower and supports that are on just one side of the structure. In other places a cantilever-spar design is more appropriate. This provides a single spar that is located on one side of the bridge. Other options allow for cradle systems or multiple towers.

Cables provide the structure with the temporary and permanent supports it requires simultaneously. More cables are added as the bridge grows in length (and mass). Cables help to displace forces throughout the structure to prevent one section from receiving excessive stress. After the bridge opens, these cables will stabilize the structure as it distributes any unexpected forces.

Cable symmetry provides more stability and strength. When the spans on either side of the pillar/ tower are of the same length, then the horizontal forces help to balance out the effects of each other. That means there is less need for large ground anchors to support traffic as it passes along the deck.

There are four different types of cable rigging for CSBs less than 3 km in length. Mono design uses a single cable from its towers to provide support. This is rare unless the span being crossed is relatively small.

Parallel/ harp design, uses cables approximately parallel to each other so that the height of their attachment is proportion to their distance from the tower and their deck mounting.

Fan design requires cables to connect to or pass over the top of the towers. This option is preferred when cable access is necessary. to the cables while maximum supports are needed to create a stable deck environmental requirements too.

Star design spaces the cables apart on the tower, but connecting them to a single point or closely-spaced points on the deck instead of spreading them across the span.

Single arrangement refers to the use of a single column for cable support. This column is usually placed midway across the deck, but it can be placed along one of the sides. Double arrangement uses pairs of columns on both sides of the deck. Portal arrangement adds a third member that connects the tops of the two columns. This provides additional strength for traverse loads. A-shaped arrangement achieves the same goal as the portal design by angling the two columns toward each other, so that they meet. Columns can be vertical, curved or angled relative to the bridge deck.

CSBs are not perfect and do not provide a universal bridge solution. Here are some imperfections/ limitations.

Computer-aided design for cable-stayed bridges has increased the maximum span, but this still has limits. Most CSBs will have a span between 100 and 1 100 m. They are often preferred for pedestrian bridges and situations with unusual loading configurations might be present. Currently, the longest single span is found on the Russky Bridge, in Vladivostok Russia, with a length of 1 104 m.

While CSBs can provide a consistently supportive deck when there are crosswinds present over a span, they do not work well with constantly high wind speeds, which will encourage the deck to rock, which over time will loosen the support cables, which could lead to structural failure = a bridge collapse. This occurred with a cable-stayed bridge at Genoa, Italy, 2018-08-14. The bridge was built in 1967 largely of concrete. The collapse killed 43 people.

CSB design typically places the support structure bundle areas in places where a physical inspection becomes challenging. Add in the reduction of anchors, and the routine maintenance becomes intensive (read: expensive). Although the initial installation cost might save 30% of labour costs, maintenance costs will eventually eliminate those savings, over a design lifespan that is now typically 100 years.

Most 21st century CSBs are constructed out of concrete and steel to create a rigid structure. These materials need protective coatings to ensure integrity and prevent corrosion and metal fatigue. At Skarnsund, seven coatings were applied to the cables, when the bridge was built, to protect them against corrosion. This is common practice, especially in coastal regions, due to salt in the air.

Cable-stayed bridges date back to 1595, where designs were found in Machinae Novae, a book by CroatianVenetian inventor Fausto Veranzio. The cable-stayed bridge design fell out of favor in the early 20th century because it simply lacked the strength to support traffc, although it was still used for short-to-medium spans, suspension bridges grew in popularity. They offered increased durability despite higher installation costs.
When the populations of the planet began to recover then increase after World War II, CSBs became more popular: They could be built quickly and cheaply, and were a cost effective way to improve transportation infrastructure. In addition, these bridges were aesthetically pleasing, strong and durable.

Geodesic domes

The first geodesic dome was designed by Walther Bauersfeld (1879 – 1959) for a planetarium for Zeiss, in Jena, Germany, located on a building roof. Construction was started in 1912 and completed in 1923. This structure is considered the first geodesic dome, which is a polyhedron = a three-dimensional shape with flat polygonal faces, straight edges and sharp corners or vertices. More specifically, this particular building was an icosahedron = a polyhedron with 20 faces. A convex regular icosahedron = a regular icosahedron, is one of the five regular Platonic solids, and is represented by its Schläfli symbol, containing 20 triangular faces, with 5 faces meeting around each vertex.

Some 26 years later, Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895 – 1983) reinvented and popularized this design.

Science World in Vancouver, built for Expo 86. Inspired by Buckminster Fuller’s Geodesic dome.
Photo: Differense, 2012-01-11.

Lloyd Kahn (1935 – ), who wrote Domebook 1 (1970) and Domebook 2 (1971) became disillusioned with geodesic domes, because they were smart but not wise. Disadvantages include: sheeted building materials such as plywood come in rectangular shapes that are wasteful to cut into triangles, increasing construction costs; fire escapes are problematic; windows are problematic, and expensive; electrical wiring installation requires increased labor time; expansion and partitioning are difficult; domes are difficult/ impossible to build with natural materials.

Others comment: air stratification and moisture distribution within a dome are unusual, resulting in degrade wooden frames and interior paneling; privacy is difficult because partitioning is difficult; sounds, odors and reflected light tend are diffused through the entire structure; wall areas can be difficult to use; some peripheral floor areas lack of headroom; circular plan shapes are difficult to use; rurnishers and fitters design with flat surfaces in mind.

Some dome builders, especially in the 1960s and 1970s, found it hard to weather-seal domes because of their many seams.

The most effective waterproofing method with a wooden dome is to shingle the dome. Peaked caps at the top of the dome, or to modify the dome shapes are used where slope is insufficient for ice barrier. One-piece reinforced concrete or plastic domes are also in use, and some domes have been constructed from plastic or waxed cardboard triangles that are overlapped in such a way as to shed water.

Notes: This weblog post was inspired by Incredible Crossing: The History and Art of the Bridges, Tunnels and Inland Ferries that Connect British Columbia (2022), written by Derek Hayes (1947 – ). We also have and regularly refer to his historical atlases of: Vancouver and the Lower Fraser Valley (2006); California (2007); North American Railways (2010); Washington and Oregon (2011); British Columbia (2012); Early Railways (2017); Iron Road West [British Columbia railroads] (2018). His latest book is: Quest for Speed: The definitive history of high-speed trains (2024).


This was the most dignified photo, in the public domain, that I could find of the Dallas Cowgirls cheerleading squad. It shows them entertaining US soldiers at Tuzla Main Base, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1996-12-21. Photo: SPC James Gordon.

This post was intended to be published on Cheerleading Day, 2025-09-14. Someone asked me, why wait almost a year? That was all the encouragement I needed to push the date forward to 2024-11-23. It was written while vaccinations on both arms were making construction work more painful than appreciated. It emerged after watching a short video entitled The Ten Worst Songs of the 1980s on Saturday, 2024-11-16. I have found that descriptors such as best or worst are highly subjective. I was indifferent to most of the songs. I strongly disagreed with the #2 worst song listed being included: Europe, The Final Countdown (1986). One of the more dis-remembered yet entertaining songs was Toni Basil, Hey Mickey (1981 or 1982).

I then watched up to several versions of that song, each usually lasting 3 – 4 minutes in duration. I found the cheerleading interesting and decided to investigate it further. There are claims that the original video was made in 1981, other sources state 1982, which is the year that appears on several videos.

Toni Basil = Antonia Christina Basilotta, born 1943-09-22 (40 years to the day before Alasdair) in Philadelphia. She is of Italian ancestry. Her father led an orchestra, and her mother performed in vaudeville. The family moved to Las Vegas in her childhood. In 1961, Basil graduated from Las Vegas High School, where she was head cheerleader.

This is not the only song with cheerleaders I have appreciated. A decade later = 1991, Nirvana offered humankind a video of Smells Like Teen Spirit. I had read somewhere, sometime in the past thirty four years, that Nirvana had recorded uptake after uptake to get all the participants (audience, cheerleaders, janitor) totally bored. Anarchy symbols were attached to the cheerleaders. Kurt Cobain wrote about cheerleaders and football jocks: “They must be petrified to ever think of being the stuck-up, self-righteous, segregating, guilt-spreading, ass kissing, white right-wing republicans of the future.” All I can add is that cheerleaders (and football players) are people, and hope they don’t take Kurt’s spite too seriously.

Other music videos with cheerleaders include: Nada Surf, Popular (1996); Marilyn Manson = Brian Hugh Warner (1969 – ), Tainted Love (2001); Gwen Stefani (1969 – ), Hollaback Girl (2004); Busta Rhymes (1972 – ), Touch It (Remix, 2005) with young cheerleading girls; My Chemical Romance, Teenagers (2007) it seems to follow the same script as Smells Like Teen Spirit;Taylor Swift (1989 – ), You Belong with Me (2008); Fol Chen, Cable TV (2009) with five out-of-uniform Los Angeles Lakers cheerleaders dancing in a drained swimming pool; Macy Gray (1967 – ), Beauty in the World (2010). Of the eight videos listed here, I only really liked the first (Popular) and last (Beauty in the World), but felt Tainted Love had some merit, although I am more a fan of the Gloria Jones (1945 – ) and Soft Cell versions (1964 and 1981, respectively). Long live, Northern Soul!

Parkour is the sport I find most interesting. Some refer to it as an athletic training discipline rather than a sport. Wikipedia tells us that traceurs = practitioners attempt to get from one point to another in the fastest and most efficient way possible, without assistive equipment and often while performing feats of acrobatics. With roots in military obstacle course training and martial arts, parkour includes flipping, running, climbing, swinging, vaulting, jumping, plyometrics = jump training/ plyos = exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals to increasing power, rolling and quadrupedal movement—whatever is suitable for a given situation. Parkour is an activity that can be practiced alone or with others, and is usually carried out in urban spaces, though it can be done anywhere.

I see cheerleading as parkour light/ lite with some social content, currently missing in parkour regular. Because women are generally more sociable than men, I see cheerleading being more appealing to women than to men.

Cheerleading was at first an exclusive male activity. Some of the more famous male cheerleaders included: American presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882 – 1945) at Harvard, Dwight David Eisenhower (1890 – 1969 ) at West Point (?), and George W Bush (1946 – ) at Phillips Academy. There are a few other notable men who have been cheerleaders including Aaron Spelling (1923 – 2006), Michael Douglas (1944 – ), Steve Martin (1945 – ), Mitt Romney (1947 – ), Samuel L Jackson (1948 – ) and Jamie Espinal (1984 – ).

Women were permitted to become cheerleaders in 1923, at the University of Minnesota. It took time for other universities and schools to allow it. However, with World War II the American military draft reduced the number of males available, and this activity, and others, such as welding, were taken over by females.

The Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders debuted in the 1972-3 season, but were first widely seen in Super Bowl X (1976). They were appreciated not just for their revealing outfits but also for their sophisticated dance moves. Professional, often football related, squads of the 1970s encouraged the male gaze.

Note: In feminist theory, the male gaze is the act of depicting women and the world in the visual arts and in literature from a masculine, heterosexual perspective that presents and represents women as sexual objects for the pleasure of the heterosexual male viewer.

Cheerleaders were promoted as American icons of wholesome sex appeal. Yes, it does sound as if some marketing specialist had influenced the text in the last sentence. I am sure many readers would like to know where to find the boundary between wholesome and indecent sex appeal. Female cheerleaders are presented as perma-grinning, shining icons of idealized American femininity.

That said, I have naively regarded cheerleaders as promoters of their schools and sports clubs. Some regard them as a key marketing tool.

Women cheerleaders have included: Madonna Louise Ciccone (1958 – ) most often just known just by her first name, Sandra Bullock (1964 – ), Christina Aguilera (1980 – ), Jennifer Lawrence (1990 – ), Miley Cyrus (1992 – ). There are many more, but it is difficult to find a list that all readers might recognize.

There are also fictional cheerleaders. Let me dispose of Buffy Summers and Cordelia Chase (portrayed by Sarah Michelle Prinze, née Gellar, 1977 – and Charisma Carpenter, 1970 – respectively) in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They are members of Sunnydale High Razorbacks Cheerleaders. Neither Buffy nor Cordelia are part of my fictional world. Sandy Olsson and Patty Simcox (portrayed by Olivia Newton-John (1948 – 2022) and Susan Buckner, (1952 – 2024) respectively) in the film Grease (1978), are in my fictional world.

The most interesting cheerleading squad name I could find was a tie between: Hog’s Breath Cafe Broncos Cheer Squad, part of the Brisbane Broncos, and The Gold Coast Hogs Breath Cafe Sirens, part of the Gold Coast Titans. Both teams are part of the Australian National Rugby Union. Top marks go to the Broncos squad for better grammar, even though I thought hogs should be a plural possessive noun, as in hogs’, in both cases.

The best known squad, and the only one I could name before writing this post, is The Dallas Cowgirls, part of the Dallas Cowboys. Their real name is actually The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. This comment is intended to introduce Texas cheerleading legislation.

In 2005 the Texas legislature debated what has been called a cheerleader booty bill, to eliminate overtly sexually suggestive cheerleading. Democratic representative Al Edwards (1937 – 2020):”We are telling teenagers not to have sex, but are teaching them how to do it on the football field and applauding them when they do it. It’s just too sexually oriented, you know, the way they’re shaking their behinds and going on, breaking it down.” He claimed that cheerleading leads to teen pregnancies, school dropouts and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

It appears that everyone in Texas was required to take a stand, good or bad, on many cheerleading issues: tiny = short pleated skirts, tight fitting sweaters, saddle shoes = low-heeled casual shoes, with a plain toe and saddle-shaped decorative panel placed mid foot, made of leather in white but with a coloured saddle matching the uniform, fluffbunny = cheerleader nickname, cheerleading = presence or absence of athletic prowess, the suitability of hip gyration.

Mary Ellen Hanson (? – ), author of Go! Fight! Win!: Cheerleading in American Culture (1995) regards cheerleaders as American representatives of the virgin/whore dichotomy; simultaneously representing “youthful prestige, wholesome attractiveness, peer leadership, and popularity” as well as “mindless enthusiasm, shallow boosterism, objectified sexuality and promiscuous availability.”

Some see cheerleaders as reinforcing gender stereotypes. Many want to repeal the 1972 legislation that mandates equal funding for male and female sports in education.

The debate in Texas also has a focus on the Dallas Cowgirls. Have they turned cheerleading into a para-pornographic spectacle? Hopefully, all are aware that playing American (and Canadian) football causes traumatic brain injuries, with so much pain that some players opt to commit suicide. Yes, football involves violence and suffering.

Other existential cheerleading questions beyond Texas, involve the spelling of pom-poms vs pom-pons, and the choice of material from which they are constructed. Some people, such as Natalie Adams (? – ), a former cheerleader, says cheerleading has split into two tribes: the traditional who cheer and the competitive who compete. I would say there are even more tribes, adding punk to the mix. These are cheerleaders who understand Nirvana’s message. Trailer Trash could also be its own tribe featuring milky-eyed, tombstone-toothed and prison-tattooed cheerleaders such as MiLi and TilduH. Others claim these are not real cheerleaders, only parodies.

Cheerleading carries the highest rate of catastrophic injuries to female athletes in high school and collegiate sports. Of the United States’ 2.9 million female high school athletes, only 3% are cheerleaders, yet cheerleading accounts for nearly 65% of all catastrophic injuries in girls’ high school athletics. In data from the 1982–83 through the 2018–19 academic years in the US, the rate of serious, direct traumatic injury per 100,000 participants was 1.68 for female cheerleaders at the high school level, the highest for all high school sports surveyed.  The rate for (male) football players was lower at 1.18. The college rate could not be determined since the total number of collegiate cheerleaders was unknown. The total number of traumatic, direct catastrophic injuries over this period was 28 female & 5 male = 33, higher than all sports at this level aside from football, which had 215, all male. Another study found that between 1982 and 2007, there were 103 fatal, disabling, or serious injuries recorded among female high school athletes, with the vast majority (67) occurring in cheerleading. For details, see here.

Two final questions

What will it take for Americans to end the carnage occurring on the playing fields among football players, as well as cheerleaders. My answer is for viewers to avoid the Superbowl! Find something better to do.

I will end by asking if the Portland (as in Oregon) Thorns, women’s soccer = association football, team has a cheerleading squad? and if its members are male? I tried to find this out, but I am left with an answer that is tentatively no, but with a willingness to not only view humanity better, but to correct this mistake, if someone else can present evidence.


Cariad is the Volkswagen Group’s in-house software division . It was founded in 2020, but since then it has had to deal with: reorganizations, setbacks of assorted types, delays, hiring sprees followed by layoff sprees.

I use their software on a weekly basis driving a VW ID. Buzz. However, I am far from a fanboy. It leaves me unimpressed.

VW CEO Herbert Diess (1958 – ) received a doctorate in mechanical engineering and production technologies in 1987. This does not help with the critical issues facing electric vehicle manufacturing in the 2020s. At one point he seemed to be in a bro-manse with Elon Musk. My suspicion then was that VW wanted software help from Tesla. They didn’t get it.

Now VW is in a relationship with Rivian. It is anything but a bro-manse because one participant is providing a needed service (Rivian), and the other participant (VW) is paying for it. It is referred to as a software joint venture, but joint does not refer to any form of equality in the relationship. Volkswagen is investing up to $5 billion into Rivian. To understand why this is happening, one has to return to Dieselgate, when the Volkswagen Group faced an earth-shattering scandal that led it to commit to one day going all-electric.

This electification meant that the VW Group needed, for lack of a better term, a Tesla-like approach to software and digital technology. Historically, the auto industry trivialized software. It was only used for a few things, like engine management, or driver-facing bits like infotainment and navigation. The components using software were made by different suppliers, with different software standards, and there was no need for this software to communicate with other bits of software. A key term here is piecemeal. It was also old-school, compared to the smartphones and tablets that have now become an integral part of human life.

A piecemeal approach doesn’t work in a world where cars need over-the-air software updates. It doesn’t work when companies need revenue from downloadable features. It doesn’t work when effective EV battery management has to be integrated with DC fast charger and slower home charging systems. It doesn’t work when drivers are dependent on advanced automated driving assistance and, one day, fully autonomous cars.

Today’s electric cars need to be computers on wheels, more than anything else. Volkswagen needs to be great at making computers. The alternative it becomes a car body manufacturer, supplying components for tech companies, or sells its plant and equipment to manufacturers who understand the new manufacturing requirements. Many of these will be located in China.

Almost every legacy automaker has struggled with pivoting their 100-year-old businesses to do this stuff well. (Companies like the recently bankrupt Fisker show the startups aren’t automatically better.)

Issues with software have led to negative reviews of early examples of cars like the Volkswagen ID.3 and ID.4. The key problem here has been the lack of physical buttons, and a reliance on screens that require far too much scrolling, and take attention away from the road. Other problems can be classified as delays. This applies to individual models such as the Porsche Macan EV and Audi Q6 E-Tron.

Even worse, it applies to platforms, such as one for Project Trinity, involving: “a newly developed electronics platform with state-of-the-art software, the simplification of the supply structure, and fully networked and intelligent production at the main plant in Wolfsburg.” Yes, those were VW’s own words. I appreciate the fact that Trinity wants autonomous driving in the volume segment possible starting at Level 2+ but technically ready for Level 4. They claim to want a system based on neural networks, but this would require digital competence that is probably unavailable. In other words, it is just hype. Magically, Trinity gives people time and saves them stress. I am uncertain if they can deliver!

As I have been reading in Wolfgang Münchau’s Kaput: The end of the German miracle (2024), Germany lacks a meaningful digital culture. Thus, I doubt whether they have the internal competence to produce artificial intelligence (AI) real-time (RT) products.

Volkswagen Group has been struggling in three major markets. Despite largish sales, it is a follower in Europe, where Volvo, Renault and now Tesla have been leading the way with respect to EVs. VW has been losing ground in China, where any sensible Chinese purchaser will opt for BYD, Nio or some other domestic manufacturer. It has failed to grow in North America, but thinks it may find salvation with a cute Buzz, and a revamped Scout brand.

It now thinks that delaying the transition to EVs will be to its benefit. I disagree. This will only give other OEMs more time to develop better products. I am thinking especially of BYD, but even companies based outside of China, will have an opportunity to make improvements. Yes, I am thinking especially of the Vietnamese Vinfast.

I have previously attempted to explain why hydrogen based vehicles will not be suitable: the cost of producing green hydrogen, will be too expensive. The electricity needed to split H2O into H2 and O2, could be used to power EVs, without an intermediary. Of course, I suspect that hydrogen manufacturers will want to use black hydrogen, based on methane. It is cheaper, but still a fossil fuel.

The investment from VW will allow Rivian to not only improve its automotive production, but will transform Rivian into an automotive software powerhouse, the go-to company for software components.

Rivian is providing an electrical architecture and computer platform that reduces the number of electronic control units (ECUs) used to control a vehicle from 17 to 7. A zonal architecture cuts 2.5 km of wiring from each vehicle, a 20 kg savings. The key to understanding these reductions, is not to regard the reduction in material costs, but in labour costs, because vehicles can be built faster. Rivian’s key innovation is its electrical architecture. This is what allows a company to update software over the air (OtA). Vehicles cannot just import software from Apple, or Microsoft. They need real-time operating systems (RTOS) that manage thermal dynamics, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and safety systems, as well as another layer related to an infotainment system.

Note: Note: Younger people without a meaningful career path, reading this post may want to investigate real-time computing. Often any programming requires adherence to safety standards, such as DO-178B, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification is a guideline dealing with the safety of safety-critical software used in certain airborne systems. With those skills in place people should be able to find that there are many work opportunities, and little competition. Robotics is another area where real-time computing is used. Training in this field is usually outside the context of normal computer science subjects. With an RTOS, the processing time is measured in tenths of seconds. This system is time-bound and has a fixed deadline. The processing in this type of system must occur within the specified constraints. Otherwise, This will lead to system failure. Examples: airline traffic control and reservation systems, heart pacemakers, multimedia systems (audio and video), robotics.

Solutions do not involve hiring massive number of programmers, because most programmers will not know what they are doing. Most automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) including GM, Ford, Stellantis and VW Group have repeatedly tried to master software, but ultimately failed to do so. Geely (with Lotus, Polestar and Volvo) has been more successful, as have many of the domestic Chinese brands. Toyota is at the other end of the scale, despite its early adoption of hybrids.

My belief is that the leadership of these OEMs have failed to understand that computer systems differ. Someone who is an expert in databases (sorry, Patrick) probably does not have the background needed to understand real-time systems. Very few people with computer backgrounds have worked with these, let alone managed real-time development environments.

Part of the challenge here is that the OEMs look at Tesla, and see a company that has managed to make large numbers of EVs. What remains hidden is the Tesla Roadster. It was in development from 2003 to 2008, with the first prototypes being officially revealed on 2006-07-19, in Santa Monica, California.

Various Think vehicles were built from 1991 to 2011, under various names. Kewet, later Buddy, produced EVs were produced from 1991 to 2013. Other early EVs were vans. The Citroën Berlingo Electrique, was built from 1998.

The Renault–Nissan–Mitsubishi Alliance was established in 1999, originally between Renault of France and Nissan of Japan, but with Mitsubishi Motors of Japan joining in 2017. It has its headquarters in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The Renault Kangoo EV van was introduced as a prototype in 2008, the Nissan Leaf has been in production since 2010, the Mitsubishi MiEV since 2011. These were the first EVs for ordinary people.

Other manufacturers, looking at the early adapters, including Tesla, believed that the auto industry could easily pivot to batteries, motors and software. Unfortunately, transitioning is hard work. Part of the problem is that press releases don’t align with engineering realities. The age of the auto industry can be debated, but some estimate it is approaching 140 years old. Building EVs not only involves using new technology. There is also a lot of tradition that needs to be eradicated. Sometimes getting rid of something is more difficult than adding something.

Closing remarks: I wondered what sort of EV I would be driving for more than a decade. In 2012, I borrowed/ test drove a Nissan N-200 van, and considered buying an Evalia. It did not appeal to my partner. Neither did the new Citroën Berlingo EV. I also wondered if our first EV would be a Renault Kangoo van. It wasn’t. When the next moment came to consider an EV in 2022, the contenders included a vast number of brands, including a Renault Zöe, Migane and Kangoo. I am happy with Buzz, but see the weaknesses in it.